Meeting the girl of my dreams

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   Aaliyahs POV
It was a warm summer night in California city. My best friend, Nicole decided to take me out tonight, to this new bar that opened a month ago. A lot of influencers and famous people would go to this bar often, so it was hard to get in, but my best friend knew people. She was a YouTuber, so she managed to get me in the bar with her. We were going to meet up with her man, who was also a YouTuber, and our other two mates. There was many influencers that I watch, so I dressed myself up fly, in case I met any one that I followed and I could get some nice pics! There was one woman in particular, who I watched the most. Her name is Salice Rose. I keep up with her because she is funny, beautiful, and inspiring. I always wanted to meet her, and shit. I have the biggest crush on her! But Nicole has no idea about my 'crush' because I just didn't wanna tell her I had a crush on a woman. I didn't know how. Infact, she is trying to find me a hot date with a handsome guy, and that's okay too. Because I know I won't have hope with getting with Salice, and she is the only woman I would go for.
So we enter the bar. "Fuck this place is cool!" I say to Nicole, as I look around in awe. There are so many beautiful people here, and the music is bumpin!

Salice's POV

So I'm at the bar with my girls. I'm out here fuckin vibing. "There are so many beautiful women here I might find me a bae tonight!" I say to my best friend. "Shit Salice your hoes finna be jealous!" "Bitchhh I don't care shit my hoes know I got hoes" me and my homie laughing while I'm holding my drink. I go to take a sip of my straw, and I see someone walk in, fuck, she is so beautiful. I'm staring at her with the drink in my hand, and the straw on my lip. I'm smiling at her, but she doesn't see me. I can't take my eyes of her! She is so beautiful. My friend notices me dozing off. "Yo Salice, you good, bitch?" "Yes bitch I'm good......fuck she's cute." "Wait, who's cute Salice?"
"Fuck bitch don't look yo, she might look this way."
"Oh shit Salice why don't you go talk to her huh?"
"Naaah bitch... she just got here, I gotta wait a bit! Fuck she's probably into guys tho."
"Salice you won't know unless you try."

Aaliyahs POV

I look a little to my left and I see a woman smiling at me... holy shit... is that... is that SALICE ROSE!? This is what I'm thinking as I stare at this beautiful woman... yes it is her. And fuuuck, she looks so beautiful! Shes wearing a black dress, and her hair is down, and her smile is glowing.

She's smiling at me?? So I smile back, I'm kinda licking my lips a little bit

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She's smiling at me?? So I smile back, I'm kinda licking my lips a little bit... but then Nicole grabs my arm. "Look! There's our friends!" I see our group of friends over to the right, opposite of where Salice is standing. "That way?" I said, knowing Salice was standing by the bar, I then said "what about the drinks?" "Oh they already bought our first round! Let's go!" Nicole pulls me further away from Salice. I look back, and I see her smiling at me still. I then couldn't help myself but smile widely as I turn back and walk with Nicole to the squad. I'm so happy wtf the girl of my dreams is into me! I had to find a way to ditch the squad, for just 5 minutes, so that I could go introduce myself to my future wife. 😍😍😍

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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