First Day of, Well, Everything ?!

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5th Year-Platform 9 3/4
3rd Person
“Okay, I have to go now, might miss the train.” James Potter said as his mother engulfed him in a bone-crushing hug. 
“Of course dear. Tell the boys hello from me, won’t you? Don’t forget to write home Jamiekins!” Euphemia Potter said as she watched her only son board a scarlet red train for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 
She waited until the thick, shaggy head of hair she knew so well disappeared aboard the train. James turned around and waved one last time.
James’s POV
I pushed my glasses up on my nose. Where were the guys? I wandered up and down the hall, peeking into the compartments of the train. I stopped at one to stare at the beautiful ginger sitting next to a sallow-faced, hook-nosed Slytherin. Ugh. Snivellus. Why did she have to hang-out with that greasy-haired snake? I mean, he’s such a prat. I’ve been trying to get Lily Evans to go out with me for 4 solid years. I’m not giving u... 
“You gonna stare all day? Because I’m pretty sure I can see the drool forming.” Said a girl who I had never seen before. 
She chuckled and craned her neck to see who I was infatuated with. I could feel my cheeks burning a bright red, and I smiled sheepishly. 
“Oh, not bad. She has nice eyes.” She said, looking into MY eyes. 
What was I supposed to say to that? “Uh, thanks? I guess? And who are you, may I ask? Not to horrible of a sight yourself?” She was average height, a little on the slim side, with thick, dirty-blonde hair. Her eyes were mesmerizing. Almost prettier than Lilys. Almost. They were a deep, ocean blue. 
“Uh, Libby Libby Wright.” She said, a blush blooming across her cheeks. She looked down, almost shyly. Cute. But not as cute as Lily. 
“Hi Libby, I’m James. James Potter. Haven’t seen you around before? New or something?” I say. I secretly hope she’s 5th year like me because she seems nice. 
“Yeah, I’m transferring into 5th year from Ivermony. That place sucks.” She says, still almost shyly.
”Cool, me too. Well, not the transferring from Ivermony bit but I’m in 5th year too.” I say, scratching my head and probably blushing.
Why did she make me nervous? I obviously didn’t have such a ‘lady killer’ reputation like Sirius, but I wasn’t invisible to the ladies either. 
“I figured.” She replied. We stood there for a moment, silence. 
I finally said, “Wanna sit with me? I think my mates are around here.” She nods and I continue my search, peeking into compaterments. 
I finally spot the familiar mop of curly, black hair thought the glass and open the door, hoping I’m not blushing.
Libby’s POV
I watch him slide the compartment door open and shuffle in. I step in beside him, looking around the compartment. God, why did he are me so nervous? I’s Libby Wright. The notorious ‘man killer’. Guys practically line up for me, so I had my choice. Why did this James guy make me feel different? I decided not to think much about it and curiously look at his mates. One was sitting by the window, slouching and playing with a muggle toy called a yo-yo like he didn’t have a care in the world. He had should-length, curly black hair, and storm-grey eyes, complete with a bad-boy vibe radiating off this ripped jeans and leather jacket. THe seat next to him was occupied by a watery-blue eyed and timid-looking blonde boy who looked like he about to pee his pants. Across from the ‘bad-boy’ sat a nerdy, but cute guy with sandy hair and golden eyes. He was glued to a book and only looked up when the ‘bad-boy’ started to talk.
”Hey sweetheart. Sorry, but I’m not signing autographs now. I told Marlene that it was going to be after 3rd period or did she not get the message?” He said, almost lazily. Already don’t like this guy. 
“She’s not a member of your “fan-club” Padfoot. She’s transferrring into 5th year from Ivermony.” James explained. 
“Oh, well sign-ups are during lunch. Ask Marlene, love.” He says. Then he winks. Who the hell does this guy think he is exactly?
”I’m not joining a stupid club where crazy girls hope to god you acknowledge them especially since you’re the pig they praise.” I wittily say back. I cross my arms and turn towards James. The guy looks taken-aback. I doubt anyone has told him anything like that before.
”Um, hey. I’m Remus Lupin, that’s Peter Pettigrew, and uh, that’s Sirius.” Remus says pointing towards the small, timid one. He awkwardly whispers the last part. 
“Hello Remus. I’m Libby Wright. Nice to meet you and Peter. James was helping me find a compartment. Mind if I sit?” I say, pointing to the seat next to him.
He nods and I sit down. James motions for Peter to scoot and sits next to Sirius, ruffling his hair. I turn and ask Remus if the book he’s reading is any good. Sirius sulks in his corner for the majority of the ride and then disappears to god knows where. The others seem to be used to Sirius’s disappearances. Must be a frequent thing. 
“So Libby. What house do you want to be sorted into?” Remus asks me.
”Oh, well I actually took a pre-sorting this summer.” I reply, non-chalantly. Don't get me wrong, I  love attention but for some reason I didn’t want to be ‘sorted’ in front of the entire school even though I once took off my shirt in front of the entire school on a dare. A long story...
”I didn’t know you could do that.” James says.
”What house did you get then?” Remus asks.
”Gryffindor? Is that a good house?” I ask him.
”Well, that’s the house me and the other Marauders are, so yeah, a pretty good thing.” He says, smiling cheekily at the end.
I laugh. “Well, then. Sounds great. Besides the whole Sirius guy. Not sure if I’m a fan of him.” I tell Remus.
By the time the Hogwarts Express arrives at Hogsmeade Station I have learned that James is obsessed with quidditch, his hair, pranking, fleamont hair gel, and Potions; that Remus is a book worm and a top student: that Peter doesn’t have a life and has a giant crush on Mary McDonald; and that Sirius is full of himself, loves his hair more than anything, has a notorious ‘bad-boy’ reputation, and shags or snogs a different girl practically every day. They learn that I live with my father, love the beach, reading, jamming out to the Beatles, making waffles, and watching quidditch matches. At last, we arrive at Hogwarts. I step out of the horse-less carriage, wearing my Gryffindor robes, and talking with Remus and James.
”Well, my goal this year is to play match-maker with Peter and Mary.” I tell them. They both laugh.
”Good luck with that.” James says as we enter the Great Hall.

Author’s Note
I have re-written All My Love with the same characters but with a completely different story-line. Thanks for reading and if you liked it then please add to your library, follow, and comment. Thanks :) haha, I sounded like a YouTuber just then...
love, lori :))))

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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