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Once a pon an time there was a girl named kaylee she was a tomboyish and she had a best friend that was her only boy cousin in our lives she grew older and turned 10 years old all a sudden everything changed parents started to fight her best friend that was her cousin he started to give up on her and he cared about his Xbox and tv her little sister yelled at her most of the time and then she had it she thought it was time to end her life  so she grabbed her knife and sliced her arm she did it a couple few times then she stops she goes to school the next day and then this girl that was her enemy in first grade she sall the marks and told the teacher then kaylee was sent to the office and they found the marks and called her parents so she gets home and her mom is standing on the porch waiting for her to get home  so kaylee explains why she did that to herself then the cystic came and Olmost took kaylee away kaylee goes to school the next day everyone in the school knows about her cutting herself she had no one to talk to during something or no one to be safe near people make front of her and her friends at school are fake friends they spreed rumours about kaylee every day she had no one in till
One day she went in the back yard and whent into her shed  and grabbed the rope and went into the basement she grabbed a chair and tied the rope on the wood and made a not in the rope and she made a hole to put her head through so she puts her head through and she ties it vary tiet she kicks the chair with makes a loud noise her parents hear that noise coming from the basement so they go in the basement and sees there daughter hanging there there's a not tied onto her shirt                                                                                                                                                       

                       #kaylees note#

                   dear mom and dad I miss you guys and love you guys vary much sorry what you see but I just don't belong in this world no one liked me and no one cared about me now look at me I'm in a good place and I will be waiting for you guys to come up with me when your time comes I will meet you guys on the stairs to heaven and we will go from there sorry you had to see me like this but it had to happen love kaylee

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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