Asurka County (aka The Blind Blader)

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Name: Asurka County

Also known as: The Blind Blader/Blader of Light

Age: 14 (Season 1)

15 (Season 2)

16 (Season 3)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Originally From: Texas,America



Asurka is a very hardworking boy,who is very devoted to his family and his family's farm, and he could be considered an old-fashioned person since he is rarely seen using any type of technology whether he is traveling, at home or even at school and even if he does have to use technology or a cell phone, he only uses them when he thinks is truly necessary in his mind. Despite having an country background while being born and raised on a farm, he is a very intelligent kid,who would always bring A's on his tests and exams,but he doesn't care for it since he is mostly focused on helping around the farm and his family and sadly, it pleases them for him to be satisfied with it. He is often seen with a bored, tired, or either both expressions on his face and he rarely shows any other emotion unless he is willing to express his face aside from his voice and it's tone.

Asurka loves his family and friends very dearly to the point of being extremely overprotective of them whenever he finds out that something bad happens to them and he has quite a bad temper that he gets from his mother that's so bad that he has a dark personality of his that other students call,'Dark Surka' because he seems like a different person than his normal self since he was way more dangerous and beast like that's very vengeful and unforgiving, and the only things that can cool him off more quickly is either his mother's nursery rhyme box, his mother's singing, Cathie's singing and about anything peaceful.

Despite his usual bored demeanor, he is a very caring and understanding person, who can be very blunt with his words at times out of a habit of his and he cares deeply about his family and friends epecically Draven (Being his bey) and Cathaine (Being his close friend since childhood), and he will always help them out or give them advice whenever he is needed. He is very calm and patient, and he prefers to be around nature and animals since he loves anything to deal with the outdoors. Asurka is very fit and athletic than most of his friends since he could lift anything heavy and he does 100 push-ups every single day every morning. He can be very animal-like because he mostly hang out with the farm animals at the farm and he loves them to the point of acting like them most of the time to not mind it.

When it came to beyblading, he was not interested in beyblading at first in the very beginning especially because of his sharp and sensitive ears that wasn't used to the noises that beyblade makes whenever they move and clash against one another. Even when he was introduced to Beyblade with his first youngest brother,Zenki and his ultimate rival, Dornoeus explain what is Beyblade and the concept as well as how it's played, he was completely uninterested,but he was very supportive of their love of the game and politely declined as well as encouraged the two to try to get into beyblade. The only two reasons he got into beyblade,which was learning a bit more about beyblade through his grandfather,who used to play beyblade when he was younger and after Draven's bit beast connecting with him one night and talked to him through a dream,which convinced him to give it a try as well as form a connection and bond of sorts before finding the bey.

Likes: His family, His Family's farm and farm animals, Anything Sweet, Anything Baked, Anything Fresh, Exploring, Traveling, Nature, Outdoors, Sleeping(Outdoors), Food, Draven (His Bey), Games, Anything healthy, The sun, Cathie's sweet bun bread, Kids, His Friends, His Rivals, Training, Gardening, Beyblading, Circus, Circus Tricks, Sleeping on high tree branches, Meeting new people, Protein Shakes, Flowers of any kind (especially Roses), Wind, Juggling, Baking, Cooking, Machinery, Science, Math, Helping others, Building anything, Forging, Very high places, Epic and heated bey battles, Learning, Climbing (Rock and tree climbing), Anything Peaceful (especially singing), Being Blind, Stars, The Night Sky, Naps, Eating, School, Strong bladers and beys, Making people happy, The woods/Forests, Anything that involves bread

Dislikes: Attention(of any kind aside from his family, friends and rivals), Missing home, The concept of destroying beys, Being inside (For too long), Sleeping inside, Those he loves and cares for being harmed in any way possible, Winning (Depends), Homesickness, Zackary (Formerly), Not doing any form of chores or work on a daily basis, Not helping others, seeing people smile or happy, Dark Resonance, Not getting any naps at all, His fame, Getting sick, Too many stuffy smells in one place, People in danger, Fevers, Fighting (Physically), Violence (unless necessary), No communication with those he loves, Giving up on Beyblade(all together), Losing (Depends), Seeing or hearing beys being destroyed, Being America's number one beyblade Champion (Depends), Crying

Hobbies: Beyblading, Mediating, Sleeping/Naps, Reading, Studying, Cooking, Baking, Researching, Forging, Gardening

Family: Richard and Ashley County (Parents)

Zenki, Sally, Zai, Kelly, Kevin, Elizabeth, Ben, Ally, Devin, Lizzy and Rosa County (Siblings)

Zackary F. Convicton (Half-Brother)

Friends: Sakura Royals, Alexis Waters, Ben Spines, Kevin Vickson, Max Zinkai, Oscar Onir, Nick Claws, "Wolfie"-Surkia Kinsin and Fang Akamaru

Close Friends: Cathaine "Cathie" Rogers, Dornoeus "X" Collins, Kai A.E. Thomaspton, and Grant Vanclicki

Birthday: February 14 (Valentine's Day)

Ultimate Rival: Dornoeus "X" Collins

Rivals: Sakura Royals, Alexis Waters, Kai A.E. Thomaspton, Ben Spines, Kevin Vickson, Vience Kingston, Grant Vanclicki, Max Zinkai, Oscar Onir, Samantha Crystalina, Zackary F. Convicton and Fang Akamaru


Bey's Name: Miracle Draven

Draven's Bey Type: Balance

Draven's color scheme: Redish-orange with yellow

Former Bladers: Victor Samson and Zackary F. Convicton

Current Blader: Asurka County

Draven's Attacks: Lightning Striker, Wind Slasher, Lightning Dasher, Fire Shield, Sword of Light, Flaming Tornado, Wall of Flames, Sword Crash, Shining Light Defense, Wind Storm, Light Saber, Bursting Strike, Flash Dive, Saber of the Heaven's Light, Guard of Pure Light, Flame Slash, Lightning Siege, Light Counter, Jumping Typhoon,  and Boosting Aerial Dive

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