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"You guys need to free EmeraldSteve and get out of here now."

"....Are you sure about this?"

"....yeah. Go! GO!"


"G-G-Good luck...."

"Thanks. Same with you guys, I'm sorry."

"Okay.... well- t-try to hurry, okay...?"

"Yeah, yeah! I'll try to see you guys again soon!"


"Guardian, maybe we should go back, we can't just leave him behind, I don't-" Alex stepped towards the house.

Guardian and Emerald Steve, who was just freed, looked back to each other, to the rapidly growing bedrock, and then back to Alex. They knew what they had to do.

They grabbed her arms, and dragged her as they ran as far as the could, leaving the bedrock zone. "WAIT NO, SABRE—-" She had cried out.

Yet, it was too late.

A loud boom rippled through the air, like a rifle going off, though they wouldn't know what that is. It knocked them all off their feet and onto the ground, and they looked back, only seeing a crater- It was just about as big as Alex's crater from way back when with Origin Steve and all, although it didn't break through bedrock.

Alex's eyes widened, as she felt her eyes getting stingy hot- the liquid slowly dripping down her face, "No-" She pulled away from Guardian and Emerald Steve and immediately ran down to the bottom of the crater, not giving a single care in the world as the two chased after her.

A single sign.

There was a single sign at the bottom of the crater that had read, "He's mine now."

Everything else was.... gone. There was nothing left.

Alex fell to her knees, her friend was gone- They treated him like a bit of an idiot because he was always screwing around, but now...... Now he's not here anymore. Messing around or not, he was always considered the leader, making the moves and plans, building the machines, but now..... his soft smile, jokes that didn't always make too much sense, shining personality, kindness for others, it.... disappeared without a trace.

How could this happen?

Why couldn't things get better? Why did it have to end on a note like this...?


Galaxy Steve heard someone coming through the portal, so he immediately went over, "Alex, you're back! With Guardian and a new friend? Is that another Green Steve?"

"Oh, hi, my name's Emerald Steve actually."

"Oh wow!" He ran up to him, jumping and down like an excited puppy dog, quickly shaking his hand, "That's so cool! Hi, my name's Galaxy Steve! I'm sure Sabre was so happy finding someone like you!"

Everyone shifted uncomfortably at the mention of his name-

Galaxy glanced around, not realizing everyone's sudden tense and uncomfortableness, "Hey, where is Sabre anyways.....? Did he stay behind to finish up a machine or something....?"

"Galaxy......" Guardian started.

"I got this." Alex sighed softly, "Galaxy Steve, why don't you follow me outside of the town for a moment-"

"Is something wrong....?"

She led Galaxy Steve outside the walls, and softly put a firm hand on his shoulder. "Sabre....... couldn't make it, he........."

"Couldn't make it....? Did he have to do something, meet someone? I don't- I don't understand....." He was getting the hints Alex and everyone else were throwing now, but he was in complete denial, surely it couldn't be-

"Galaxy Steve, there was someone trying to destroy the world by destroying this powerful item, called and end crystal I believe, that was locked up and could completely obliterate everything if messed with. Things went wrong, and..... we didn't know how to stop it. So...... Sabre told us to leave, while he stayed behind with the end crystal, and he tried to absorb most of the energy in hopes that.... it would at least null the aftermath and lessen the damage, and he thought that..... that since he was player as he calls it, wouldn't be as affected if he stayed behind, but......... he's........ he's gone......... and I- I.." Tears managed to make their way down Alex's face, as Galaxy Steve just hugged her softly, shushing her and patting her back softly as she let out her cries.

Sabre was...... there for her from the start, and now...... even if he was alive, there was literally no way to find him. Before with trying to reach the Guardian, there was some sort of connection to try and reach it, even though it sent them to that empty place, there was still a connection for their powers to latch onto and find. Now....... there was nothing.

Guardian knew it.

Emerald Steve knew it.

She knew it.

Even Galaxy Steve in his own denial deep down had known it to be true.

There was no hope in finding him, not when they didn't even have a single lead.

Galaxy Steve looked back to Alex, sighing softly, "He's not gone, he can't be. We've gone through so much, he's okay, he's fine. He has to be, he's strong. I'll search all the different worlds if we have to find him, but he's okay- He can't be.... gone."

"He just can't be...." Galaxy Steve ended on a final note.


The chicken costumed man woke up, finding himself in a world completely different- It had this strange texture pack, and his head hurt a lot. He found himself spawning on bedrock of all things, and unbeknownst to him, there was something watching him.

You know the rest.

Word Count: 906

Hi hi hi, if you actually read this bad story, thank you. I'll try to update but I cannot promise anything with this hellish thing you may also know as school lmao

I just have parents with very high expectations so I have to work to keep my grades up and it gets a little stressful y'know?

I want to see how it plays out with the Virus first in Sabre's actual series, cause we barely know anything about it or it's motivations, but uh- here we are I guess

If you have any suggestions, questions, constructive criticism, or maybe even something you'd like to see happen in this story, please tell me! I'm all ears.

Thank you for reading, I hope you stick around, have a good day/night, see ya later! Love ya dear reader, byes

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2020 ⏰

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