Chapter 1

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Hey guys this is a story I wanted to write and felt like putting on Wattpad. The first chapter wont be that long tho. Hope you enjoy.(:


One by one the men and women trudged forwards towards the mine, kicking up a cloud of dust in their wake. Guards stood all around making sure nobody tried anything, not that anyone would ; nobody had hope in this horrific nightmare of a place.

Somewhere along the line of people Assir walked, his head held low and his eyes dreary and watering from the dust. After finally reaching the mine entrance one menacing looking guard spoke with authority," All right, everyone grab a pickaxe and lets get to work." He said pointing to large pile of mining tools.

Assir grabbed a pickaxe and followed the trail of people. After walking for some time towards the mines depths he finally made it to the deepest part. Not even having to be told what to do Assir began hitting the cave walls letting rock crumble to his bare feet. He caught a glimpse of himself on the pickaxe, white hair concealed by layers of dirt and dead golden eyes. How had his life strayed so far from the relaxing one he had before .His thoughts were cut off by a loud explosion from the cave entrance.

Panic arose as several others looked around, confused as to what was occurring. Another explosion came, then another and another. Screams could be heard from above as people started sprinting for the exit. Guards weren't happy about this and killed anyone attempting to leave, but their attempts were feeble against the mass of people.

Assir ran for his life towards the exit among the crowd and after a few minutes of running he saw a glimpse of the clear blue sky but was soon greeted with battlefield of guards and figures he had never seen before.

Dead bodies were scattered around the camp, many guards and many slaves. Standing by the entrance to the was a group of soldiers armed with bows. They were dressed in black and had killed most of the guards at this point. One of them grabbed Assir and directed him towards the other black clad soldiers. Assir wondered why they wanted him,

Assir had never expected something like this to happen when he woke on his rock hard bed. He had never heard of such rebellion not because these camps were well defended but the fact that the high king could easily hunt down anyone who tried to rebel against him using his new found power.

The man who looked like the leader of this group spoke up, looking Assir directly in the eyes, "I have waited long to meet you," He kneeled to Assir and so did the others," young prince. "Assir looked around, confused. He definitely wasn't a prince at all he was raised in a small village in Harveld. He had lived their with his mother before his village was taken other and he was condemned to slavery under the high king.

The man spoke again noticing Assir's confusion, "My name is Ryven, I'm here to set you free and take you somewhere I think you might find more comfortable." He grinned as he spoke.Assir, continuing to look stony faced took in 'Ryvens' features. He looked around 19, Assir's age with light blue eyes but contrasting black hair along with chiselled features. ."Why should I have ay reason to trust you whatsoever. "Assir said looking down at the ground. "Well unless you'd rather stay here." His tone was suggestive. Assir wiped his filthy hands down himself, he wafted his hand and said, "What of the other people "To which Ryven said,"I'm afraid we cant do much for them, besides they'll figure something out." before walking away to his horse.

Assir was chucked a lump of bread and some water, which he gladly took after being practically starved the year he had been enslaved. 'eat up' were the words Ryven gave him before they rode off .

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