1.video games

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"Dadddddaaaaaa," Mads giggled as I walked into their little room. She crawled over to me and did grabby hands whilst Perrie continued playing with her dinosaurs. 
"Hi daddddy," Mads chuckled and kissed my cheek. 
"Hello princess hows my baby?" I asked and tickled her tummy slightly. 
"I awesome daddy! What you doing daddy?" She asked me and rested her head on my shoulder. 
"I was going to go play some video games downstairs but I thought I might get a bit lonely playing alllll by myself," I smiled cheekily, I knew the girls loved playing them with me but Jade didn't particularly like Perrie playing them, especially the more violent ones! But she wasn't here right now so.... 
"Daddddy, we play with you! Won't we Pewwie?" Mads cheered and wiggled out of my arms nad went to throw all her dinos back into their box. Perrie didn't say anything but also began tidying. 
"Daddy will go down and set the games up and when you're done come down but girls you be careful on the stairs!" I warned and backed out of the room. 
"Yes daddy!" I heard as I walked out. 

A couple of minutes later, my little ginger ninja ran into the back room followed closely by my blonde angel. Mads threw herself onto the sofa next to me whilst Perrie calmly sat on one of the bean bags. 
"Daddy what we gon playyyy?" Madelaine asked and began flicking through the games with her own remote. 
"I'm thinking some Mortal Combat?" I suggested and clicked on it

"Okay then daddy and me play and winner plays Pez and so on?" Mads smiled, she was slipping out of her headspace but Perrie still hadn't said much.
"Darling, are you okay?" I asked Perrie, I leaned over to her beanbag and ruffled her hair slightly.
"Yeah, I okay," she smiled sweetly at me. 

"No, no, no Jed don't, ah you b-tard," mads groaned as I killed her character... again. Perrie giggled very quietly at my feet which was cute to see and hear. 
"Want a go yet baba?" I asked her, she thought about it, with her head high, her eyes looking to the side and her lips pursed, she nodded. 
"Maddie though," she said quietly. 
"You wanna play mads, that's alright, maybe you can beat her ass too," I laughed and handed her the remote. Mads gave me a glare and I just mouthed a 'love you' to her. She shrugged me off and tutted, making Perrie giggle again. 
"I er, who I be?" Perrie whispered, and flicked through the players. 
"You usually play the wasp one darling," Mads said. 
"Otay I be wasp but Maddie go gentle," she smiled and moved herself. 
"Of course baby," Mads giggled. 

Half an hour later, both girls were still playing each other, obviously they had multiple rounds but I was having a bit of a break. Perrie was still being her timid little self. 
"Ahh!" Perrie screamed, when she died... again. 
"I wonnnn!" Mads cheered. Perrie just began to sulk. 
"I was so cwose!" she groaned, put the remote down and crossed her arms. 
"Oh baby, don't worry. Do you want me to kill her?" I asked and stroked her back. 
"No, I no wan pway anymore," she groaned and got up, I noticed her nappy was sagging a lot but she didn't let me change her, which is understandable but Jade still wasn't home. 
"Baba why don't you go find Jesy and Leigh and see if they can change your soggy bottom?" Mads smiled sweetly. Perrie just huffed and stomped away. 
"She's cute when shes mad," my girlfriend added. 

I walked into my house to see Perrie on the floor having her nappy changed by Leigh-Anne. But when she saw me, her eyes lit up and she got off the floor and ran straight into my arms... nappy-less. I chuckled and cuddled her. 
"Perrieeee, come back," Leigh groaned, laughing slightly. 
"B-but mama here!!!!" She cheered and squeezed me tighter. 
"B-but you need your nappy on before the bottom monster comes and gets you," Leigh giggled causing Pez to squeal. 
"Orrrr before you make any puddles around the house," I added, causing Leigh to shrug and Jesy to laugh. I tapped Perrie's bare bum, "go get finished baby, we can cuddle when you're done." 

Once Perrie was diapered and dressed again and I had gotten comfortable on the couch, she came and sat on my knee for snuggles. 
"Have you had a good day baby?" I asked her and ran my fingers through her hair. 
"Mhmm," she sighed, slid her thumb into her mouth and closed her eyes. 
"Did you have your nap baba?" I asked this time she shook her head. 
"Why not?" I asked, concerned. She always has her naps! but she began to fidget, and rubbed her eyebrow. 
"I er, I playing soooo much mama," she whispered. 
"And what were you playing?" I raised my eyebrows and looked towards the back room, I could kind of hear Mads shouting some profanities. 
"You were playing the video games baby," I sighed, she knew I didn't like her playing them. 
"Y-eah mama b-b-ut Maddie was twoo and th-then I no wan be awone upstairs," she stuttered and sat up, knowing I was upset with her. 
"Why didn't you go with Jesy and Leigh?" I asked, she thought for a moment then just shrugged.
"and did you tell Maddie or Jed you didn't want to be alone upstairs?" She shook her head. 
Now I knew Perrie would have struggled telling them this, but she knows she can and she knows she should of, no matter how anxious it makes her! 
"Right, up," I said and tapped her knee but she didn't move. 
"Mama pease, I tied I jus wan cuddwe and seepy," she whispered , scrunched up her fist and rubbed her eyes, my heart did ache for her but it was nearly 5 o'clock, there was no way she's sleeping now. 
"Baby, you should have had your nap earlier when it was nap time, its your own fault. Come on, we're going to speak to Jed," I sighed and stroked her cheek, she just whimpered but stood up. I stood up to and she held my hand, very weakly. 
"n-no twell him off mama," she whimpered from behind me. 
"We'll see," I sighed, I hated Perrie playing the violent games, she always has nightmares after playing them, and gets very scared. She also likes to play fight with Mads when no one else is around and these games teach her its okay... it's not! 

"J-Jed noooo!" Mads shouted as we walked into the back room, I just sighed, picked up the Tv remote and turned it off. They hadn't even heard me walked in. Jed swore and stood up but as he turned around, he saw me with an upset Perrie behind me. 
"Perrie you grassed," Mads groaned and flopped back. 
"N-no I not!" Perrie said, offend and kicked the back of the sofa. 
"Hey! no, stop it," I said and moved her away. "And Mads, she didn't grass but I know when my little has been doing stuff she isn't meant to," I said, raising my eyebrows at Jed. He just held his hands up in surrender. 
"She wanted to!" Mads said again. 
"Will you shh, I'm nto talking to you, you WERE little Jed, was the responsible one." I said, looking at him, wanting answers. 
"She did want to play," he said in defence. 
"No, she didn't she just didn't want to be alone upstairs." I groaned. "But, I know she didn't tell you, but you should know the signs of her anxiety by now Jed! I've been over it with you about 100 times!" I sighed and rolled my eyes. 
"Well yeah, I know she was anxious, I saw it all. But I wasn't pushing her to play or anything, she was just sat there watching us quietly." 
"But then..." I knew it was coming. 
"But then I asked her and she said she wanted to play Mads and they were playing for  about half an hour until she kept losing and stropped off," he sighed. 
"And you didn't think to go after her?" I said, annoyed. 
"She went to get changed by Jesy or Leigh," he groaned and sat back down. 
"Right but Jed, she should have been napping. next time, please make sure both girls are okay with it and Perrie isn't just following on behind, because we both know she will even if she doesn't want to." He nodded. 
"And you missy, need to look out for your best friend, especially when she's little and its nap time!" I said to Mads. She nodded sadly. 
"I'm sorry," she whispered. 
"It's okay, Perrie just now hasn't had her nap and you haven't had yours either," I chuckled. She shook her head. 

"Teaaaa!" We heard Jesy shout, Jed jumped over the back of the sofa and was out, Mads following him, very closely. 
"Hungry baba?" I asked Perrie, turning to her and moving some hair behind her ear. 
"Mhmm," she whimpered, her thumb in her mouth. 
"After we've eaten we'll go have a bath and then you can have an early night, okay?" She nodded and took my hand again, we then walked out to the dinner table. 


I hope everyone liked the first one! Any suggestions please comment xx

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