"I am... the User-that-is-not-a-user."

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Gameknight999 POV

As the bright light from the digitizer fades from around me, I breath in the scent of fresh grass and blue sky. Sitting up, I wait for the second ball of light to form next to me. My dad is letting me and my sister go into Minecraft while he watches over us from behind the screen. He told me that if ANYTHING Dangerous or suspicious started to happen he would pull us out immediately, no question. That basically means any full scale attack I couldn't take part in, or lead for that matter. I was pretty upset by that. If my friends need me I'm going to find a way to stay in Minecraft as long as I need to so I can keep everyone safe. A blinding light materializes to my left. A blue haired, blocky figure appeares out of the cloud of light. The girl has a huge smile as she bounces up and down.

"Yayayayayayay!!! We're back!!! I can't waiiiittttt to go to the village and see Stitcher!!! Maybe Ba-Jin and Da-Ray will be there!!! Or I could just go visit them in zombie town, no that would be a bad ide-"

"Monet!" I look at her, clearly annoyed, "hush." He facepalmed as she frowned.

"But it's not even nighttime yet!!!" With a sigh, I turn and start to walk toward the village. "Hey! Just cause I'm your sister doesn't mean you can just leave meeeee!" I laugh and pick up to a run. My sister yells after me as she runs in hot pursuit of my footsteps. She chases me all the way to my hidey hole where we collect some items that were left in the chest by Hunter. The village knows that were on the way. I was a bit disappointed she hadn't left any horses, now we would have to walk.


Not even five minutes after we found the hidey hole, Monet113 and I came across what looked to be some sort of camp sight. I put my arm out to stop my sister from running in. Her act first think later, attitude has gotten her in trouble more times than I can count. I can tell she's about to object so I cover her mouth and draw my sword. Is it a mod? New update? My thoughts swirl around like a hurricane. Could a zombie town have shown up on the surface? It couldn't have, could it? My sister reaches for my sword and tries to push it down. I glare at her,

"Stop it, Jenny!" I whisper yell at her. "I need to be ready, okay?" I take a step in front of her and make sure she won't pass me. She sighs but let's my overprotective brother instincts kick in. With her safe behind me, I advance to the first makeshift house. Something moves inside of the structure. Get ready... NOW! I pull the door open a bit too aggressively and get into my fighting stance. I'm surprised to see a villager yelp and whip around with a wooden ax in hand. Realizing my mistake I Instantly put my sword away and show the palms of my hands so he knows I mean no harm. There is a loooong silence before the frightened man speaks up.

"Is that really you?" He questions while putting his ax away. "Are you the User-that-is-not-a-user?!" The villagers face lights up. "Can you help me and my village?! We need you!" I look at from Monet113 to the villager. "Please! We're desperate! The crafter of my village was killed in an attack weeks ago. Me and the other villagers in this camp are looking for a new village. Please! We need to find a new village!" I put my hand up to silence him. Once he is quiet I start to hear people whispering behind me. Tuning, I am met with at least a dozen villagers hopeful smiles.

"Are you really the User-that-is-not-a-user?" A woman with long brown hair asks me. By her feet are two small children looking up at me with so much hope in their eyes. Why does everyone look at me like that... I'm nothing special...  my doubts start to creep inside my head making me look away from them for a split second. I'm just a kid who ended up here from a freak accident... if I never came here... maybe someone better would have shown up... maybe-

"Yes! Yes he is!" Another villager runs toward me. "Look!" His stubby finger points above my head. Because I've been here more times then one, I can tell that they are talking about the server thread, a bright white line that shows NPCs whether I'm in or out of the game. By in the game I mean, physically, my body is actually inside the game. I'm not just another user. I'm the User-that-is-not-a-user, saviour of Minecraft. It's overwhelming most of the time. So many people are looking up to me. So many people are counting on me to save their future and their family's. You don't deserve that title... your pathetic... That thought makes me jump. Woah, when did I become so negative. I know I have doubts and all but geez... That almost sounded like a real voice. Quickly, I shrug it off and look at the villagers in front of me.

"Yes, I am." I sigh. "I am the User-that-is-not-a-user." A cheer erupts from the crowd. I hold my hand up for silence. It takes only a few seconds for the celebratory cheers to die down. "There is a village not far from here, but we can't leave tonight. Darkness is almost upon us, we would get ambushed by mobs. My sister and I will stay here tonight. I'll take you to my village in the morning." More cheering. "Go and get some rest, it's a bit of a walk from here." The cheering continues as the NPCs run to tell their families and friends the good news. I guess I can bring a smile to people's faces... Even if I can't in the physical world.

"Oh my gosh!!!" My sister grabs my arm and starts to jump up and down. "Look look look!" She points to a villager with a brightly colored smock carrying multiple flowers in her short arms. The girl's shoulder length black hair falls in front of one eye as she counts the delicate plants. Before I can stop her, my sister bolts to the young girl. I can see the timid girl flinch at her loud greeting. Looking back at the other villagers I notice all who are watching the interaction are scowling and whispering to themselves. Quickly, I jog over to the young girls.

"Hey, Monet, quiet down a little." I scold. She sticks her tounge out at me and continues to chat with her new friend. The dark haired girl's face starts to lighten up as Monet comments on her bright smock.

"That's so cool! I love all the red and blue! If you mix those together you get my favorite color!" Monet starts rambling about how much she loves the whole outfit. A light smile appears on my face as the girl stutters a response.

"I... I r-really like purple... purple as w-well..." The girl pulls out a large stack of alliums and hands my sister one. "These are... are m-my favorites..." The way she trips over her words reminds me of one of my friends. The more I think about it, everything about this girl reminds me of-

"SUNSET!!!" A booming voice echoes through the camp. Gradually, villagers start to pack up and head inside. It must be routine for these people. The small girl looks up at us and then back to the villagers.

"Do-do you... do you have som-somewhere to s-stay?" She asks quietly. Me and my sister shake our heads. "You guys cou-ld st-stay at my... my house if you... if you need t-to." Monet113 looks at me hopefully. She really wants to hang out with this girl.

"Alright, we can stay if you have room." The girl smiles and starts to walk off. "Oh, wait! What's your name?" She stops. I can tell this question is making her think.

"O-h... um... I never really... never really kn-ew m-my job as a villager... a villager..." she hides her face slightly behind the flowers in her arms. "I do like the name... the name S-sunny... even though i-it's not a norm-normal name for villagers..." Monet smiles.

"I love that name! Being different is a great thing! So creative!" Sunny smiles and leads us to her cabin of sorts. It's small... VERY small. I don't think it can fit all three of us. I start to have doubts about staying here until I get a look inside. To my surprise there is a stairway leading down into a large space below. The walls are painted all sorts of colors. I see lots of colors that you can't get from any Minecraft items directly. Sunny must have mixed them up from multiple different resources. To be honest, I'm impressed. Sunny places three colored beds down in different corners of the room. I yawn and sit on a dark blue one. My sister and Sunny's beds are both purple. I'm not surprised. As the two of them chat I decide to turn in and sleep. Gotta rest for the journey tomorrow. I'm leading more than I expected to Crafters village.

                   If only sleeping could be peaceful in Minecraft.

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