What they do

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Alder bark- eases toothache

Blackberry leaves- eases the stings of bees

Borage leaves- produces more and better milk. Also brings down fever.

Burdock root- lessens and heals rat bites

Burnet- keeps cat's strength up

Catmint- used for white-cough and green-cough

Celandine- sooths damadged eyes

Chamomile- streangthens heart and mind. Put in traveling herbs

Chervil- calms infected wounds and bellyaches. Also used in kitting

Chickweed- treats green-cough

Cob nuts- sometimes made into ointments

Cobwebs- used to stop bleeding

Coltsfoot- eases breathing, and for kitting. Used for cracked or sore pawpads

Comfery root- mends broken bones, sooths wounds, wretched claws, itching, and for stiff joints

Daisy leaf- aching joints and traveling herb

Dock- Sore pawpads, and stratches

Fennel- helps pain in the hips

Feverfew- reduces fever, aches and pains, and headaches

Goldenrod- healing wounds

Heather nectar- sweetens herbs

Honey- sooths sore throats from smoke or coughing. Gives energy

Horsetail- treats infection and stops bleeding

Ivy leaf- used to store other herbs. 

Juniper berries- sooths bellyaches, cats with troubled breathing, and calms cats

Marigold- sooths infection, stops bleeding, stiff joints

Parsley- stops a queen's milk

Poppy seeds- helps cats to sleep. Calms cats, and eases pain

Sorrel- traveling herb

Tansey- cures coughs, for wounds and poison, stop cats from getting green-cough

Thyme (time)- calms cats who are in shock

Wild garlic- helps rat bites

Yarrow- extracts poison from wounds, makes cats vomit toxins, ointment will soften cracked pads

Poisons- Yew berries, night seeds, death berries

-- remember, do NOT use these on cats for real! i will have the description in the next chapter for these

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