I was in my room at the age of 6 playing my favorite videogame on my xbox360,minecraft I grew into the game up til well as long as I can remember.It was my 10th birthday,sucky grades,lazy gamer great life.Me and my family went to the mall when we all went into seperate shops I went to get my Mom and Dad when there car was gone.I waited for them until someone sent me to an orphanage.Now Im 14,playing mineraft and well waiting for someone to adopt.Anyway my best friend Allyson went to the front desk and she said that we have a special visitor coming and tell your friend to she rushed up and we all got dressed and lined up in the gym.I couldnt belive what I was seeing,Jerome,Truemu,Deadlox,
And sky all were there I really tried to show my personality up to my idols.Im a couple of minutes Jerome picked Danny,Truemu picked Jason,sky picked Chase,and finally I was waiting eagerly and deadlox picked...me.I couldn't belive it I was so happy yet so sad because I had to leave my friend she was trying to be happy for me but I know she was sad.We all had 5 minutes to pack but I told Allyson someone will come for her we said goodbye ad we left.Eveyone was laughing telling storyies playing minecraft,it was awsome I asked deadlox why he picked me and he said because he knows I was gonna be a great minecrafter success they were all assigned to trian someone to be a successful youtuber.I didn't hear anything after that I was just admiring his amazing hair and his awsome personality his beautiful voice.I didn't know what happened but I was blushing so hard right then he started laughing.I felt so embarrassing to have done that I uh I kinda-he said he gets people like that alot and he's used to it but the thing was Ive had a huge crush on deadlox since I was at the orphanage. It was a huge honor to even live with him.Once he showed me to my room I floped on the bed and oe. Dd that i was speking my thoughts out loud. How dies he get his hair so amazing?Why me?He looks more beautiful up close than on youtube.OMG i said that out load.#facepalm ahhhhwww Did I really just do that?I didn't even know he was in here until he said well you kinda did and you must be pretty brave yo say that up close to someone.What your in here?Oh I feel like an idiot.I should just die right now.All he did was smaile and shake his head and after that I played some minecraft.I woke up In the morning and on my desk was a ticket to the fairgrounds.