The time i met anne marie at costco

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I walked down the meat aisle of Costco like I do daily every Wednesday night. Something drew me to the dairy section on this particular night. I rounded the corner of the meat aisle with my liver in hand, God I love the smell of raw liver.
Then...I saw her....I saw a girl holding two cups. I swiftly ran over to her and she dreamily offered me a sample. Her exact words were "strawberry or banana?" I swear her voice could stop wars and cure illnesses.
I just stared and stared and stared and stared when suddenly she dropped the cups and their content spilled to the ground. The girl ripped off her apron and started singing and doing a jig, "I got my work shoes, I got my work shoes. I got my work shoes, I got my work shoes." I was about to join in on the incredibly catchy tune when the girl slipped on the samples and was knocked unconscious. I leaned over her quiet body and peered at her name read, 'Anne Marie'.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2014 ⏰

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