What To Do: When Bored in The Hunger Games.

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1. Ask your mentor and sponsors for duct tape. Mythbusters proved it a GREAT survival tool.

2. Hide in the shadows and hum Mission Impossible.

3. Sing Desperado while running in slow mo to the Cornucopia. :D



6. Whenever the other tributes' backs are turned, put a piece of paper on their backs that says: EAT MEH TITUS!

7. Go up to Foxface and say this like how Dora says it: Swiper no swiping!

8. Test to see if it hurts when you get stabbed....

9. Tell Cato to take Anger Management.

10. If you want a good fight, run around in circles yelling, "COME KILL ME, COME KILL ME!!!!!!"

11. If you win The Games and when it's counting down already, grab a mic and sing Final Countdown.

12. Hang on to a dead body when it's being taken into a hovercraft.

13. Give Cato a Hello Kitty doll and tell him to take his anger out on that.

14. Run around the arena screaming, "PANEM STINKS, PANEM STINKS!!!! LETS GO TO KOREA!!!"

15. Go to the mockingjays and say, "STOP MOCKING ME!!"


17. Ask your mentor and sponsors for a mahogany table and stab it. See if Effie will come running after you.

18. Be Effie for Halloween.

19. Get some nightlock berries and make 'yummy' blueberry muffins.

20. Have a tracker jacker for a pet.

21. Ask Glimmer for an autograph.

22. Grab a stick and go all "AVADA KEDAVRA" on the other tributes.

23. If you do win, when you are being taken into a hovercraft, sing I'm a Survivor.

24. Call Katniss 'Potato Chick' and see what happens.

25. Burn bread and blame it all on Peeta.

26. Go up to Peeta and say, "REAL YOU IDIOT!!!"

27. Eat sugar cubes ;)

28. If there is a lake, start a swimming pool.

29. Go up to Katniss when she is doing archery and say, "YA CALL THAT SKILL??!?!? PEETA MAKES CHEESE ROLLS!!!"

30. Chuck pancakes at people and when they stare at you, say, "WHATT??? IT'S THE HUNGER GAMES RIGHT??"

31. Sing out loud, "I walk out of the bakery and this is what I see, little Katniss Everdeen is staring at me. I have a loaf of bread in my hands and I'm not afraid to throw it, throw it, throw it, I'M PEETA AND I KNOW IT!!!"

32. Run through the river and yell out, "IMMA FISH WITH LEGS!!!"

33. Point at President Snow and then tell the little kids, "LOOK IT'S SANTA CLAUS!!!"

34. Sit on President Snow's lap and say, "I want a puppy, a unicorn, candy and another puppy...." "GET THIS KID OFF MY LAP!!"

35. Befriend a tracker jacker.

36. Uhhh.. Die.

37. Sing to the mockingjays, It's Peanut Butter and Jelly Time! And watch the other tributes crumble to insanity!!

38. Get lit on fire.

39. Tell Katniss, "I know what you did in the caveeee......"

40. Let your last words be, "I left a million dollars under the......"

41. Win. Duh.

42. When you see the Rue Muttation coming at you, say, "HIIII RUE!!!!" And attempt to pet her.

43. Go Pikachu!!

44. Befriend a killer dog.

45. Stab Clove.

46. Use pinecones for grenades.

47. Push a tribute out of the circle.

48. Burn bread. IT'S FUN.

49. When Rue is jumping in the trees, yell, "SQUIRREL!!"

50. Tell Rue, "No offense Rue, but... You're really more of the sidekick."

51. Call Glimmer ugly.

52. Let those pretty ants crawl into your eye!

53. Throw a nest of tracker jackers at Katniss.

54. Eat nightlock berries.

55. Ask Caesar if he has eaten too many blueberries...

56. Jump on Thresh.

58. Attempt to scare Thresh.

59. Dig a hole and when someone falls in say, "HAVE FUN IN WONDERLAND!!"

60. Go to the center of the arena and dance the Mr. Bean Dance.

61. Sing out loud in the tune of 'Dynamite', "I THROW MY SPEARS UP IN THE AIR SOMETIME, SAY HEYYOOO, I'M CATO."



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2012 ⏰

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