An Essay of Perfection

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This was not good, this was not good at all.

Although it wasn't totally my fault, even if I suppose it is a part of the job description to make sure one's target is correct. But seriously, I look away for a few seconds to load up an arrow and this happens? How many cupids actually expect their very female target to suddenly be replaced by a male double? Who is somehow very convincing I might add.
I'll admit I was looking forward to this assignment when I heard that my targets would be attending a Kaitou KID heist, seeing as the famous magician of the moonlight was one of the more interesting humans to watch. But I never expected said master of disguise to borrow the face of one of my targets, of all the people present.

Taking a deep breath and slowly releasing it, I look back over the file for my second target.

Nakamori Aoko: Female with bright blue eyes and wild but pretty, dark auburn hair. The daughter of a police inspector and was training to join the police force herself. She was strong both in will and strength, and tended to be motherly with a liking for chivalry.

This is why it appeared that my first target would make a good match. Flipping over to the file of the other target I shot just a few minutes prior.

Hakuba Saguru: Male with inquisitive amber eyes (that bordered on glowing red with the way they caught the light at times, especially the way they appear to glint whenever he presented rather impressive deductions) and neatly groomed, wavy blond hair. The son of a chief of police and was working on becoming a full time consultant for the police force. He was skilled in the art of deduction and tended to approach matters with a logical mind, while also being warm and well practised in proper manners befitting of a gentleman.

There's a reason only the best trained nymphs are allowed to become cupids, these are powerful spells we're dealing with, meaning they are very tricky to try to fix. So hitting the wrong target can be a bit of a problem. And I just shot none other than the Kaitou KID, civilian identity Kuroba Kaito, instead of the intended Target II Nakamori Aoko.

Well maybe if I play my cards right, I won't have to worry about trying to try to fix it, maybe this, err let's just call it Alternative Target, will work out with Target I Hakuba Saguru. How about I just observe them for a bit and then decide if a corrective procedure is required.

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After much observation and consideration, I have come to a decision.

Which brings us to the reason that I am presenting this thoroughly researched essay for my appeal of Altered Target (and also please don't fire me, I love my job).

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Hakuba Saguru (Target I) is a lawful and touch-starved gay, and Kuroba Kaito ([Altered] Target III) is a chaotic and 'what's personal space' gay, and therefore they are perfect for each other. In this essay I will present my carefully conducted findings that basically speak for themselves as to why I have elected that an alteration of Target II (Nakamori Aoko) was the appropriate course of action after careful consideration of what is best in regards to interests of the heart.

Hakuba Saguru is lawful because he likes order, has a drive for justice, he wants to fight for what is right. Being born in the position that he is in, he has had expectations and duties to fulfil since the day he was born. His fondness for being orderly likely stems from a want, or perhaps even a need, to control what he can of his life. He wants to know why, why things work the way they do, in order that he may better anticipate and plan his actions accordingly to the predicted outcomes. In order to understand, one must study and follow the way of the laws.

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