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Cover image is not mine. All credit goes to the real maker.

People all around the world have seen all of the avengers fight crime, save the world and have great team work, but what they don't see they think isn't there. No one knows how hard it is for the avengers and how much they've lost in this world.


(Peter's Point of View)

My stupid Parker luck that took my mom, dad, and uncle Ben just had to take May too. How is this possible! It's all my fault!!! If I was there with her in the car maybe just maybe I could have saved her. If I hadn't been so selfish and decided to go and patrol for a bit maybe she would still be here with me in our warm apartment watching old Disney movies, but instead I stand her alone on a rainy night looking lost at all four of my families grave stones.

(5 minutes later)

"Hey, are you ok?"came a voice behind me. I turn around to find a man around 30 years old staring at me with a sad smile on his face.
"Yeah" I said wiping my tear stained face.
He looked at me one more time before saying,"I bet the avengers don't deal with stuff like this in their life. The only thing they know in life is bravery, how to fight aliens and criminals and heroism."
I turn away knowing that if I look him in the eye, I will blow up in anger and annoyance. Not that I am on the inside all ready.
I turn back around after calming down a bit to see him start to leave. I whisper something that only someone with super hearing can hear,"Humans aren't the only ones with heartache."
I decide to stay for a few more minutes and then decide to start heading back to the tower.

[Time Skip]

I step out of the elevator to find all of my family in the common room doing nothing but talk so I try to sneak away to my room but I was caught by Nat.
"Hey Peter, where've you been all night?"
Of course she asks me that! Agh!!!
"I was patrolling" I lie. Oh great I'm pretty sure my voice just cracked.
"Sure ok. Tomorrow morning I want a real explanation or I'll have Tony stop buying pop tarts."
"NO!!!" Thor and I scream at the same time.
Everyone laughs at Thor and I because they know how much we love pop tarts.
"If you want your pop tarts then I would highly suggest you tell us where you've been tomorrow morning at breakfast."
"Fine" I say in annoyance.

[Time Skip]

I finally made it to my room before any more questions could be asked. But the thing the guy said at the grave made me realize something. No ones how much heartache us avengers have experienced. They all think we have it easy but really we don't. If you think about it most of the avengers have lost something:
-Tony lost his parents
-Steve lost his love
-Bruce lost his power to control his other side
-Wanda lost her parents and brother
-Natasha lost what she loved
-Thor and Loki lost there parents
-Bucky lost his freedom
-Rhodey lost his power to walk by himself
-Clint lost his hearing and innocence
-And I lost my parents and aunt and uncle

Almost all of us has lost something important to us. We're just like everyone else. We have heartache. At that last thought I go into my dreamless sleep.

[Time Skip]

I wake up the next morning still thinking about how so much of us had lost something. So I went up to everyone and gave them a hug, because super heroes need love too. Not just humans. But of course Nat was still curious about where I was last night. Why is she so nosy!
"Hey Pete! Did you sleep ok?"
"So where were you last night?"
Crap!!!! I look at everywhere but at my family trying to make a believable lie of where I was last night.
"Man of Spiders tell her where you were! I want my amazing pop tarts." Thor pleaded to me.
"I'm only doing this for the pop tarts!" I say really loud to everyone can hear me.
"I was at the grave yard" I said that so quit that I was positive that no one (not even Steve or Bucky) could hear me. But Parker Luck wanted them to hear of course.
"Peter why were you at the grave yard. I thought you went earlier that morning?" If Steve asks one more question I'm going to blow!
"I just missed them so I went back"
Ok peter just walk away fast now so they can't ask any more questions.
I start to run to my room trying to get away from my questioning family.
"Peter get back here!" Crap Nat and Cap are running after me!
"Not until you stop asking questions!"

(Nat's Point of View)

"He's not coming back."
"The only reason he ran was because of you Nat!"
"Shut up Cap. You're the one asking all the questions!"
"Whatever, we'll talk to him later"
That kids way to much for me.

Authors Note

Sorry if it wasn't that good. It was my first time writing a story, and I kind of got writers block at the end so sorry for the fast ending.

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