It all began with the three simple, meaningless words, "I love you."
As a kid I never really understood the what the word "love" really meant. Like you know, you hear your parents say it and family. Every now and then there's holidays. Spending time with the family and then your Grandma goes up to you and pinches your cheeks, and says "Oh look how much you've grown!" and you act all like "yeahh.."
Well those days are over. I've never had much friends you see. I'm that kid in the back just watching all the stupid narcicesstic kids complaining about not getting an iphone, and usually laughs about it. I never really like anyone here actually. And who needs friends, right? Well, at that time I was wrong.
My name is Koruai, yes I know that name is weird. I'm pretty sure my parent's made it up. Well, anyways, I am here to tell you how it all begins. Yes you! I'm breaking the damn fourth wall here. This is a little thing the author cooked up in his insane confused brain of his. But anyways, yes I repeat my self, this is how it begins.
Koruai, come down to breakfast dear my mom said. It took my mom three times to make her come up here to my room and tell me to take off the stupid ear phones. I can't help it that I blast my music. I was really glad though, I was super hungry.
I ran downstairs surpassing my mother. Nothing gets you more hyped than food. That thing is true. A well known fact. But for some reason I never got fat, maybe the metabolism or something. I ate my eggs and bacon hastily and grabbed my backpack and dashed out the door.
"That son of ours...." "Yep, he's something alright" Koruai's parents said.
Today was a field trip for the 8th graders. We apparently won some smartness award for the school or something. I don't know, I don't pay attention much. I sat between the middle of the bus and the back of the bus. The perfect place. Away from the goody goodys in the front, and the bad ones at the back. Perfect. I put on my ear phones and blasted some heavy metal and dubstep.
"Hey, heyy!" My eyes flew open. There was a girl. And damn, she was beautiful. "May I sit here?" she asked. My mind was breaking down. I've never had girl sit by me. I don't know how to deal with this. "Um uhh-" I don't know what to say. I gulped. "Uhh yea sure." She sat down.