The boy with one set of eyes and a pair of souls.

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His hands were annoyingly hesitant, but I loved it nontheless.

My heart beat so fast I was sure he could hear it as he laid his head upon my shoulder with his hands around my waist. I could feel the tension in his body, and mine, as one of my hands rested upon his silky hair and another on his strong lower back. He wanted to fight me as well as hold me. For this I constently apoligized,Well 'Apoligized' is what Jeskien made me do(damn that part of me), Jeskien felt sorry for this part of him, This Arask side of him.

I had a duty to uphold, a destiny that could not be ignored for such a simple thing like hormones. I had to do what I must to gain his trust in order for this to go just as planned.

His breath tickled my neck, My skin rising with gosebumps. I hated this part of myself, the one that hated the fact that this boy in front of me cared for me. The one that wanted to push him away, make the sparkle leave his eyes and to conjure up that of Darai. He is the one my body craved more than anything.Darai was my intended destiny, as so I shall see it that that destiny is obtained and kept. This boy in front of me was merely the shell holding my Darai.

But yet, The small part in my brain...and my heart still yearned for Arask's touch, yearned for his love.

if I was not in the situation myself, I wouldv'e laughed. It's ironic, both of us carrying two in one, yet I was the only one that could control myself, he was always torn. He was destined to love me unconditionally, but he was born into something raised and bred to destroy me. I on other hand, well most of 'I', just wanted to devour his entire being. Body and Soul.

********************************AUTHORS NOTE*****************************************

What you just read, assuming some did in fact read this, is a preview of something that recently just came to me. I have the story planned out within my head. But, just as a painter can not paint correctly and as planned without a proper muse, A writer can not write without proper motivation and support. I will try my best to update "Disgusted and Trusted" more often, but please understand that I am so close to my finals that ive been under alot of stress, still, I shall write. I am so incredibly open to any ideas any of you may have, so feel free to comment anything you wish to happen to anything I write.

Thank you all, and have a nice day,


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