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Día Anderson:
Full name: Día Page Anderson
Demon type: Bunny
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Date of Birth: 1929
Date of Death: 1944
Family: Opal Anderson (twin sister), Younger Brother, unknown parents, grandparents.
Occupation: Turf Leader among side her sister
Powers: Her powers include fire from purgatory and the ability to turn demons into their human forms temporarily.
Personality: She seems a bit "dopey" and slow on the outside, but on the inside she's very calculating. She is quick to react, especially, when it comes to fighting. She has come up with many different strategies to take down different overlords of hell, and is constantly making new plans on the fl. She likes taking naps and likes to snack, she is often stealing her sisters food, her and her sister tend to fight a lot. Día prefers not to hit her sister back and ofter pretends that her sister can overpower her despite them being perfectly evenly matched. She's reckless on most situations except fight as she usually has a clam demeanor. However, if someone hurts her friends or sister she with go apeshit on them, same goes for Nazi's. She often has her head in the clouds and daydreams about ruling the human and demon realm.
Backstory: Día was born in 1929 in Great Britain to unknown parents. When she was only about a year old when she was given to her grandparents along with her sister Opal. Her grandparents lived in Germany they had a fairly normal childhood but that all changed when Hitler came into power. They were forced into the ghettos and taken away from their grandparents. By the age of 14 Día and Opal were living on the streets. The Nazi's found them dirty and beaten they were soon forced into cattle cars and taken away from a living hell. Little did they know they were on their way to one of the worst things they would ever experience. After the painstakingly long train ride they were striped of their clothing and what was left of their belongs then thrown into lines where they would have their heads shaved and numbers tattooed. Not long after this Día and Opal were found out as twins. They were separated, and Día was taken into a room with many other children, unlike her they were skin and bones while she still had a little bit of muscle. Día was then assigned a job and she worked. Until one day she was told of her sisters passing and she attempted to fight the person who had just notified her a group of Nazi soldiers heard the commotion came up behind her dragged her into the forest shot her. Día Anderson died in 1944 on the same day as her beloved sister.

Opal Anderson:
Full name: Opal Sage Anderson
Demon type: Cat
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Date of Birth: 1929
Date of Death: 1944
Family: Día Anderson (twin sister), Younger brother, unknown parents, grandparents.
Occupation: Turf leader along side her sister
Powers: Can read people's memory's, Can turn into a Siren, Holy water from Heaven.
Personality: She is very sarcastic and doesn't really like people. Opal tends to be more bitchy than anything she also has a resting bitch face when happy. The only things that can make her break down and cry are seeing her brother, talking about her past and death, and her sister in intense pain.  Opal tends to look at the dark side of things. She gets easily annoyed by her sisters antics and she can often be found at the bar with Husk ordering the strongest drinks she can handle. Opal gets very protective over her food and will kill anything or anyone who tries to touch it. Even if she doesn't show it Opal will go apeshit on anyone who tries to hurt her friends and sister but she knows her sister can take care of herself so she doesn't help her often. She only does when she know Día can be overpowered by the person she's chosen to fight. They work together in combat and all in all they are a great team.
Backstory: Opal was born in 1929 in Great Britain to unknown parents. When she was only about a year old when she was given to her grandparents along with her sister Día. Her grandparents lived in Germany they had a fairly normal childhood but that all changed when Hitler came into power. They were forced into the ghettos and taken away from their grandparents. By the age of 14 Día and Opal were living on the streets. The Nazi's found them dirty and beaten they were soon forced into cattle cars and taken away from a living hell. Little did they know they were on their way to one of the worst things they would ever experience. After the painstakingly long train ride they were striped of their clothing and what was left of their belongs then thrown into lines where they would have their heads shaved and numbers tattooed. Not long after this Día and Opal were found out as twins. They were separated, and Opal was taken into a room with no other children,  all the room was a dirty cot, a toilet, and a sink. The bare essentials for survival. Opal was only given small amounts of food and her immune system became weaker and weaker. One day Opal was dragged out of the room, she was kicking and screaming at the top of her lungs. Opal was then strapped to a chair and injected with a deadly disease that took effect not long after exposure. Only a few hours later Opal was found dead pale as snow and had green and purple veins all over her body. Opal Anderson died in 1944 on the same day as her beloved sister.

Timothee "Ty" Hendrickson:
Demon type: Seabunny
Age: 17
Gender: Male but is hyper feminine
Pronouns: ALL OF THEM
Date of Birth: 1846
Date of Death: 1863
Occupation: Drug Dealer
Family: 3 older brothers, older sister, little sister, parents.
Personality: Ty is that one friend who never runs out of energy and talks a lot of shit but in reality would most likely lose against a egg boi. Ty is also likes to play the damsel in destress, he puts himself in danger just to get Opal to rescue him. Opal usually does only because her sister won't stop being her till she does. Ty also has the tendency to be toxic at points ex: talking shit about people, manipulation, controlling, demanding a lot from others, and many other things but he is trying to get over that. Ty has Tamaki* esc fantasies about him and Opal. He's always trying to get closer too her but it never works. Ty also enjoys hanging out with Día although she can be a little insane when it comes to shipping. Ty is a really fun person to hang around and although he is has toxic traits his good ones over power them.
Backstory: Ty was born in 1846 into a family of shop owners from New York. Ty is the second youngest with 3 older brother, 1 older sister, and 1 younger sister. Ty used to love hanging around his sisters and he would play dolls with them. His older brothers didn't like that and forced him into doing "manly" things with them. They would often tease him for liking to sew or play with dolls. One day it went from teasing to beatings. Every day after dinner Ty would go out to give their only slave the scraps. Then after he left the slaves quarters his brothers would come out and beat him til he couldn't even walk to his room. Ty only fought back once and that ended with Ty sitting in a pool of his own blood. He vowed to never fight back again. Once the Civil war broke out Ty was free from the wrath of his brothers or so he thought. Ty was drafted with his brothers at the age of 16. Ty only fought for a year when in the battle of Gettysburg he was shot and killed. And he never even got to say goodbye...

*Tamaki Suoh: a character from Ouran High School Host Club and he constantly has romantic fantasies about himself and the main character Haruhi Fujioka.

*1433* including this. I hope you enjoyed the intro to this book of stupidity! I really enjoyed writing it and I hope I can come up with an actual oneshot soon!

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