DXN Code Strike Do Not Buy Revealed Its Side Effects

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traveland you like an older Big Brother to kind of help me guy the way cuz I'm justlike this little fuck boy like in my 20s sir it was jealousy I think because wewould bring friends like for example Momo and then Laura and all these likeamazing friends that I had last year before everyone started like moving aroundwas they were look at you because like I was like fucking dude right and then Iwas like I was with my friends and it was cool cuz I was kind of like leadingthe charge and I think also and I was with a bunch of like alpha male dudefriends as well like from Gavin and are you you guys have been following thisas well and it was just us three dudes and like our two female friends that weworked so hard to get because we're like man like you know we've been going outand trying to attract love all this time but fuck maybe we should have somefemale friends and dude you came and I've never seen their eyes just go who isthis guy he fights any dances he's so in his masculine but he also embracesthat and honors the feminine and dude you were like this fucking enigma for thefirst couple weeks that I didn't know who you are and I was like holy should Ineed to I need to find a way to get to work with this guy in some fucking wayand it was crazy just like the string of events that happened that led to thisfriendship that 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2020 ⏰

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DXN Code Strike Do Not Buy Revealed  Its Side EffectsWhere stories live. Discover now