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Lightbulb stood in the middle of a clearing, smiling. Paintbrush and Fan sat on logs.

"Why'd you bring us here?" Asked Fan. Paintbrush looked a bit unsettled at her smile.

"Well, I've been thinking" She paused "Since Inanamate Insainity ended, everyone in the Grand Slams has been... Acting pretty loopy."

"But they're not even on our team..." Paintbrush muttered.

"But wouldn't be fun? Being, uh, scout leaders?" She seemed to protest.

"I Guess" Said Fan. "But still, why do you even want to so this?"

"Well, to put it simply, I feel like no 'conflict' has been resolved since then." She replied. "Nothing changed between any of them"

"If you say so." Paintbrush said. "But what will it be called?"

"Camp... Sunshine?" Fan said. "It's a bit cheesy, I know, but it might just work"

There was a pause.

"Okay then! Camp Sunshine it is!" said Lightbulb

Camp Sunshine! ( An Inanimate Insanity Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now