"None but ourselves can free our minds."

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Scanning my badge, I walked into the clinic and glanced around as I made sure the door locked back into place. I smiled at a couple patients on my way to the desk where other nurses and orderlies stood around.

"Hey Kage. Thanks for coming in early. We have a new patient coming in and apparently he gets pretty uncontrollable. You're the largest guy we have on night shift and.." His voice trailed off as we heard the buzzard, letting us know an ambulance had pulled into our back bay. I set my bag in my locker then pulled on some gloves.

"Yeah no problem. Let's get intake over with and then we can see how he acts when he wakes up." I adjusted my gloves, watching the back doors. Once they opened a female EMT and male medic came in pulling a stretcher with them.

It was obvious that the person on the stretcher was held down by restraints. There was a thin white sheet over top of his body along with a five point harness seatbelts. I raised a curious brow but otherwise didn't show emotion. That was a lot of restraints on what appeared to be a thin man.

"What's up, man." Dalton said as he and Sally spun the stretcher and pushed the man head first into the secluded room. I nodded in acknowledgment. "This is Lacey Anders, 26 year old man. This is his fifth attempt and sixth hospitalization. Mr Anders is sedated right now, but beware when he wakes up. He gets pretty violent, especially with men."

"Any history of abuse? Sexual, physical, or mental?" We counted to three and moved the man to his new bed. I removed the mask from his face that was in place to keep him from biting. My breath caught in my throat at the sight of him. Even bruised with a split lip, the young man was gorgeous. I looked to Dalton before I could get caught staring.

"All three. I can't blame him for his reactions. He's terrified, Kage." I nodded again and slowly started taking the restraints off.

"We will take care of him. Have Alice sign the paperwork, thanks man." He smiled and took another glance at the patient before walking out.

Looking at the young man I brushed his curls out of his face. I sighed and began the intake process. I gently stripped him to his briefs, giving him some dignity. I made notes of the multiple bruises marring his tan skin. After noting everything, I redressed him in burgundy scrubs.

Covering him with a blanket, I sat in a chair in the corner of the room as I awaited him waking up. I licked my lips and opened my laptop to start charting his arrival. It took a few hours before Lacey began stirring. I closed my laptop and sat up straight but otherwise didn't move. It took him a few more moments before he noticed his surroundings and sat up.

"Hello Mr. Anders." I smiled. "I am Dr. Rizzoli. I assessed you when you were brought in by the ambulance and will be with you throughout your stay with us." His eyes darted around the room but I could tell he was listening to me. "I know how scary it can be to go to sleep in one place and wake up in another but I promise you are safe here. No one will hurt you." Finally his eyes settled on me. They were a gorgeous bluish green.

"Where am I?" His voice cracked from having been asleep.

"You are at Haymouth Psychiatric Hospital. Do you know why you are here?" He glanced around the room again before nodding. "Would you like to talk about why that is or would you like some time to adjust first?" He looked at me and completely shocked me to see his eyes water slightly.

Every dominant bone in my body possessed me to go to him and coddle him, but I knew if I stood and showed him my full size I would only terrify him. He looked so defeated in this moment.

"I-" His voice trailed off and he quickly turned onto his stomach, yanking the blanket over his head. Judging by the shaking of his shoulder I could tell that he was crying. While his face was covered I stood up.

"Mr. Anders I am going to move to the chair beside your bed." I announced so he didn't look up and suddenly see me closer. After sitting in the chair I looked at him. "I am right here for you if you want to talk. It is okay if you don't, I will still be right here." I said reassuringly.

I sat there for two more hours, patiently. When he peaked from behind the covers I made sure to keep my eyes on my hands. I knew he needed to size me up and if I looked at him he would feel too bashful. Once he sat up I looked over at him with a soft smile.

"I'm sorry." He said barely above a whisper.

"You have nothing to apologize for, Mr. Anders. I am here for you. You have my undivided attention." I smiled again. "How about we get you some food? Its been over twelve hours since your last meal and I am sure you are starting to get hungry." He hesitated before nodding.

"Thank you." He said at a more normal tone.

"I have been warned that you seem to have a temper. I am willing to not restrain you right now, but I need you to assure me that you can be on your best behavior. Can you do that for me?" I saw his eyes dilate slightly, peaking my interest. He was a natural submissive judging by the way he reacted to me. He nodded as his lips parted slightly. "Good. Now I know you also have some history with large men. I will warn you, I am pretty large. I am going to seem frightening when I stand up, but I assure you I mean you no harm." He looked over my body before nodding.

I held out my hand before slowly standing to my full height. His eyes widened as he looked at me from my feet up to my hair. I gave him a small smile. After staring at my hand for a few moments he finally took my hand and stood up. Slipping his feet into the sandals, I couldn't help but chuckle. His small form came up to the middle of my chest. He was so small compared to me.

"There are going to be some people out in the hallway, but again, you are safe. If you feel overwhelmed, just stop walking or tug on my shirt and we can stop until you feel comfortable again, okay?" He nodded. We walked out the room and he immediately stopped moving. I waited patiently beside him as he watched the other patients. 

I was prepared to stand there as long as it took for him to get comfortable. When he noticed that no one was paying him any attention, he took a tentative step forward and slowly began walking. I stayed a step behind him to the side. It gave him his space to assess his surroundings while I still stayed close enough if he panicked. 

He stopped a few times throughout walking but he made it to the cafeteria. Once we stepped into the room he immediately froze and I knew exactly why. I quickly moved so I was in front of him, blocking his view of the two large orderlies. I gently put my hands on his shoulders but made sure I wasn't gripping him to make him feel trapped. 

"Lacey, look at me." I said in a slight dominant tone. Instantly his beautiful doe like eyes met mine. "Max over there, wears women's panties." He blinked then looked confused as my words reached his mind. 

"Wh-what?" He stuttered. 

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