I. School Day

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"Go get ready for your first day Y/N, UA is waiting for you!" My mother said as she shook me to wake up

"Okay ma..." I said rubbing my eyes while the sun rays hit my soft face

I pulled the blankets off of my smooth legs and grabbed my prepared outfit off of the white wooden dresser

I went into my bathroom and turned on the shower, while letting the water warm up, I took off my clothes and put on some soft tunes to listen to

"Sigh, hopefully today will be a nice day." I smiled to myself in the mirror and stepped into the shower


"I finally made it!" I huffed out while standing in front of 'UA University'

I stepped inside of the gate and looked around to spot anything of my old friends to unfortunately become unsuccessful in my "search"

I closed my eyes and began walking before I bumped into something... Or should I say someone...

"Oof! Oh hey, I'm sorry about that" A purple haired girl with really gorgeous purple eyes said

"No no it's my fault, I wasn't exactly paying attention" I said, "My name's Y/N"

I stuck my right hand out and she hesitantly shook it in return... Her hands were so soft and smooth, it reminded me of my little sister's hands

"My name's Kyoka but my friends call me Jiro" She smiled, it was so sweet, "It's nice to meet you"

I stood there staring into her eyes like an idiot as she slid a note into my pocket... Then a small group of people came up to her

"Hey Jiro, it's almost time to head to class, let's go!" A pink girl with black and yellow eyes said before pulling Kyoka away

I watched as her and the group ran off to class


"Ms. L/N you're late, please see me after class" My teacher said, "Go sit down next to Katsuki Bakugou and Izuku Midoriya"

Two boys raised their hands as I then realized who sat behind the blonde one

It was none other than Jiro, I blushed slightly and placed a hand on my soft face and sat down next to the boys

"Now class settle down" The teacher said, "My name is Mr.Aizawa"

Aizawa looked a bit raggedy as his hair was messy and he had stubble growing on his chin and above his upper lip

"Since I'm a good 'Teacher' or something like that.. I'll give you today to get to know each other" Mr. Aizawa said quite blankly, "Don't be too loud"

Mr. Aizawa then sat at his desk and laid his arms down while closing his eyes slowly

My eyes then wandered behind Bakugou and to Jiro, practically caressing her pretty features with my eyes from head to toe

"Hey you!" A voice said from behind me

I turned around to look at the green haired male sitting behind me, his face contained green bright eyes and freckles you could play connect the dots with

"My name's Izuku Midoriya, please call me Deku if you want to" He smiled, "After third period do you wanna sit with me and my friends during lunch?"

"Oh sure!" I nodded, "My name's Y/N L/N"

I felt eyes hit the back of my head as I smiled before the bell rang throughout the classroom loudly

Everyone took their things and ran out of the classroom as fast as they possibly could and went off to their next class

I too scattered off to my classes throught the rest of the school day...


Once school got out, I pulled out my phone and plugged in my shiny red earbuds and turned on my playlist

I opened my wallet and found out I still had 40 dollars on me

I headed the opposite direction of my home and to the nearest Starbucks

Of course I ordered my drink and sat down while scrolling through Instagram

I sat there for a good 10 minutes before a blonde boy with a black streak in his hair sat down in front of me

"Heya cutie! Aren't you Y/N from my first period class?" He smiled

He was kind of cute, not in an attractive way but nonetheless he was still cute

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I asked politely

"Oh right! My name's Denki Kaminari" He sweatdropped, "I'm from UA University, I'm in you're first period class, I sit behind my friend Jiro"

Denki put his hand out and I shook it

"Wow you're drink looks so good!" His eyes lit up

I chuckled to myself and passed over my drink, "Do you want the rest Kaminari?"

"Heck yeah I do! Thanks a lot!" He exclaimed before grabbing the drink and taking a long sip of it, "Also you can call me Denki if you'd like to"

I nodded and placed down my phone

"Wanna watch some YouTube videos?" I asked Denki

"Sure Y/N"

I stood up and sat next to him as I propped up my phone

... I'm honestly having a fun time with Denki, I have to go home soon though


"Thanks for walking me home Denki! See ya tomorrow!" I said a little loudly before locking the door and running up to my room

I pulled out Jiro's phone number quickly and whipped out my phone at the same pace

My fingers typed in her phone number and clicked onto the message box

I began to text her starting with...

'Hey Jiro, it's me Y/N...'

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