YHMH5-Getting to Know You

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Chapter 5...Getting to Know You

(Damien's P.O.V.)

Sunshine and I had been texting back in forth for a couple of weeks. To the point where I woke up every morning expecting a text from her, and I constantly glanced at my phone throughout the day just hoping to hear something. We had plans to go out this weekend and I couldn't wait. This would be the first weekend that we were both free, and I wasn't going to let anything ruin this for me.

"Mr. Johnson we are all prepared for this trial," my father stated as I walked into the conference room.

I had been assigned to help research for this case. Mr. Johnson owned a big warehouse on the outskirts of the city. There all sorts of things coming and going  out of there and it was the perfect spot for someone wanting to hide something they didn't want anyone to know about. Mr. Johnson and elderly man, but his warehouse was rumored to be the cover for one of the biggest drug distributors in the nation. The warehouse had been searched and officers did find a container filled with some type of blue pills. They were being tested now. I personally didn't think Mr. Johnson had anything to with this underground business, but his grandson was another story.

"We found more footage from the warehouse around the time of the search warrant. Take a look to see what you think. I think it's Gang related," Mr. Johnson stated angrily.

We popped in the footage and sure enough there were several people traveling in and out of the warehouse. They looked like kids. All but one. This figures face was well hidden, but they definitely seemed like an adult. Something about they way they knew how to keep their face covered, and they were aware of their surroundings made me feel like they had done this before. The video went black but not before the figure tripped and I saw their long blonde hair cascade from underneath their hood.

It couldn't be. Was that Sunshine?

(Sunshine's P.O.V.)

The mural I was painting for the Ladies Society was almost finished. I was truly grateful for Olivia, she had arranged this, and they paid me in advance. I had never seen so much money on a check before. I put a lot of it toward my savings, but I was giving majority of it to the orphanage I grew up in, Saint Mary's. They were going to be thrilled when I dropped the check off later today.

"Sunshine this is absolutely breaking-taking!" Olivia stated startling me on my ladder.

"You really think so?" I questioned smiling.

"Trust me I don't hand out compliments on a regular basis, so if I give you one, it's genuine," She chirped.

"Well thank you again so much for the opportunity!" I stated. "Now I've got to get back to my apartment, and get ready for Damien. He's taking me to one of his favorite restaurants then I think we're going bowling."

"That wonderful!" Olivia squealed. Just then I felt my phone buzz. It probably was Damien.

[Hey can we rain check? I have to work late again tonight, something came up...sorry]

My heart sank. This is the third time we've had to reschedule.

"Why the sad face?" Olivia questioned. I knew I shouldn't say anything about her son. I wouldn't want anyone in my business, but I was starting to think Damien was just playing with my emotions.

"Nothing, Damien just has to work late again tonight. That was him asking for a rain check," I sighed. I felt bad for hating that he had to work.

"Well if it's any consolation, Damien is working really hard to prove himself at his new job. He hasn't always had his life together. Try not to take it too personally. Plus I know someone who can make him go home early," Olivia snickered. This woman was a real character. I just hope I was on her good side.

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