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Step1:Gain some trust. Start slowly; you don't want to begin on too strong a knot with some teachers, so start with simple things that will improve your teacher's perception of you. For example, regularly finishing homework and participating in class the first step is to show that you're genuinely interested in the teacher themselves or the subject(s) they teach, even if you're not. So be prepared to attend class all the time unless you have legitimate reasoning for being absent. Act like you care about the class. Ask questions and get good grades

Step 2  Once you have the regular things down, you can gradually move into doing favours for your teachers, like stacking/pushing in chairs, passing out papers, and making efforts to get the rest of the class to cooperate. Really any small favour that makes their life a bit easier will be appreciated.

Step3Get to know them. Go into short conversations with them about things outside of school if possible, but don't make this effort too obvious as you may damage your reputation and become known as a suck-up or just plain weird. If you do decide to talk to your teacher, make sure it is convenient for them; if the teacher looks rushed or uncomfortable, drop the conversation politely and leave

Atep4 Be consistent. Consistency is key! By this point, your teacher should favour you after all those extra minutes you put into talking to them, so just remember that you can't act like a perfect student for a month and then become the teacher's worst nightmare; if you decide to start this up, it has to be consistent or they'll see through the act.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2014 ⏰

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