Is Islam oppressive to women or not?
Where did this idea come from? Where does this idea of oppression come from? Is it from the fact that there are different rulings for men then there are for women in Islam and does that constitute oppression?
For example, you would hear this complaint from many people and sometimes from even amongst Muslims, and it is “why is it that a man, a Muslim man, can marry four women but a Muslim woman is not allowed to marry four men?” and they make it look as if it’s oppression, right?
Then they would ask you things like “why is it that a man prays in front in the Masjid [Mosque] and the women pray in the back?” and again they make it sound as if it’s oppression, but if you think carefully about it, is it oppression?
In addition, we receive other questions especially regarding the dress code, “why it that a woman has to cover and a man does not have to cover?” and so by seeing different rulings for men and woman they conclude that perhaps Islam is oppressive to women.
But the truth is that is not the case, you know, to recognize the difference between two species or two objects or two things or two people is actually the essence of justice; for example, what they say is that by treating two things as equal is a form of injustice, once more, to treat two very different things as equal is itself a form of injustice. Let me give you a simple example, suppose let’s say I work at a warehouse and I have these huge 100 kilograms or let’s say 60 kilogram bags and I drop them from up top to these men, these big strong men and they catch them with ease. Then a small woman she’s about less than 5 feet tall, very frail and small; she stands underneath me and she says “okay, throw me one also”, 60 kilo’s and I am throwing it at a distance and because she asked me I would think you know what I am going to treat everyone as equal, I am going to treat these big men equal to this small woman and I end up dropping it on her and I brake her body, is that fair?
It is not fair, so what is fair is to recognize differences between people, objects, things, situations and then treat them based on these differences as that is fair, because I don’t think anyone would argue that in Islam a women is a living soul, not half a human being like some other beliefs and some other areas where a women would be seen as a half a human being and the man as a full human being, well in Islam a women is a human and a male is a human but because they are a difference between the two, physiological differences, psychological differences, Islam made way and made an allowance for those differences and those changes and that is the essence of being fair and being just.
So now when you come to examine every one of the accusations against Islam being oppressive to women, what we really have is a system or a part of the world that has gone overboard when it comes to women so if you have one group that is so far to the left even if you’re in the middle and you’re moderate you will look like you’re so far to the right and that is exactly what is happening today; for example, the women has been in some countries given so many ‘rights’ that Allah did not give her these rights so where did she get them from? In Islam we have it in a more balanced way, so if you examine every accusation carefully you would start to see that there is no injustice whatsoever, so why is it that a man can marry four men and a women cannot marry four men?
Firstly, what kind of question is this? Did you consider this question for a minute, why on earth would a women marry four men and then cook for four men and clean for four men and have children with all four men and complain to all four men, okay leave the complaining part, the point is that it does not make any sense, why on earth would that be the situation? Likewise, when people say why the men pray in the front of the mosque and women at the back of the Mosque, I would say what do you want, have you seen the movement in Salah [Prayer] what it looks like? When we go down for Ruku or Prostration and Sujood, all these things, do you think it’s appropriate for women to be in front of the men? As I think they would be no focus in the men section that’s for sure, but wait a minute before we discuss that, who put this stipulation and who put this condition and who made this rule that the ones in the front are superior and if you’re in the back you’re inferior...
Islam: God of Hate, Barbaric Sharia, Intolerance & Oppressive to Women?
SpiritualDiscussing the 4 Commonly Asked Questions - God of hate, Barbaric Sharia, Intolerance & Oppression against Women. I aim to discuss the misconception of Allah being the God of hate, and discuss the need for balance, and the proofs of the love which A...