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I hold the small piece of paper in my hand carefully. I know I shouldn't be reading this, but I'm really curious about this girl's past and if she won't tell me who she is then I will need to find it out by myself. On the picture there is she, I guess, her hair is perfectly made up, her glasses are clean, she's wearing a bit of nude makeup and she is smiling, I gotta admit, she looks beautiful when she is smiling and I can only notice now, but her teeth look really really good, just like the rest of her. On the pic next to her there is also a boy, that picture looks just like a casual selfie tho, but something about the boy doesn't look quite alright, his face is really really slim, his dark circles are big and he has some weird marks on his face. I turn around the paper to read the massage. "Chad+ Catarina, you are forever gonna be mine, I'm never letting you go" is only written on the worn piece of paper with a weird shaky handwriting. The girl is probably Catarina, the name kind of fits her and the boy mush be Chad and maybe he is her boyfriend, or ex because of her current situation. The message sounds so possessive and sick.

A loud and nervous "what are you doing?!" Comes through my ears as I look up to see Catarina wrapped around the towel looking at the picture in my hands with her mouth wide open. "I was just looking for your clothes" I blink a bit shocked of her behaviour and she immediately comes to me and steals the picture from my hands. "You have no right to touch my personal stuff! That picture and what's written behind it is mine! It's none of your business so keep your dirty rich ass hands away from my personal life!" she yells with some anger tears in her eyes and I immediately feel guilty. "I, I'm sorry, I was just curious, I won't touch your stuff again, I promise" she shakes her head and closes her suitcase still holding her towel with her other hand.. "I'm leaving" she grabs her suitcase and I look at her. "No no no, don't, please stay, let me show you the guest room, you can stay here as much as you want, I promise I won't touch your stuff again" she sighs and agrees with me and we make our way to the guest room.

Some moments later I walk past her room only to see her sitting on her bed holding her wrist tightly and letting out some tears and sobs with her eyes also tightly closed biting and her lip hardly. I walk in the room with confused and worried face expression, but she doesn't seem to notice me. "Catarina? Are you okay?"

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