This is literal shit lmao

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He didn't understand.

He didn't understand why his pack looked down at him, staring through fearful eyes.

He didn't understand why they backed away when he sat up from his catch.

He didn't understand why Soft began to scream-cry.

He didn't understand why Alpha suddenly pointed a loud-bang at him.

He didn't understand.

What had he done wrong?


The Hunter stared down the gun's barrel, blinking several times. Then his gaze met the redhead's, and an innocent curiosity shone in them. His pale face was open, lacking any fake masks humans wear. His emotions and intentions were laid bare.

He truly didn't understand. And that is what scared the woman the most.

He was a strong creature, able to leap from the ground onto a roof in one go, and decapitate something with little resistance. He was intelligent, too. Dangerously so. He was a predator.

And yet, here he was, confusion written all over his face. A curious, child-like confusion.

But the coating of blood on his face made it seem horrific.

Fresh, bright blood was smeared all over his face, especially around the mouth. As she watched, Alpha saw a few droplets fall from the unrecognizable chunk of meat in his jaw trailing down his chin.

She felt like she was going to be sick.

The group had been out, searching for supplies. They'd left the Hunter here, much to his annoyance, and gone on their way. They'd been out two- or three hours, tops.

And somehow, someway, they'd stumbled across another survivor.

He was nice enough, but one learns to fend for themselves when life becomes hell. He'd snuck some of their cans when they weren't looking and disappeared.

They took forever in trying to find other supplies, but it seemed in vain. Finding the man was out of the question, since he had seemingly vanished into thin air.

Upon their return, they'd found the safehouse unchanged. The manor-like building they'd fortified showed no signs of intrusion. 'Was the door left unlocked, though? Must have forgot.'

Yet, when they opened the door, they found the man. There was no doubt it was him, what, with that notable birthmark under his left eye.

It was him.

Their Hunter companion had come across him too, apparently. Roanoke was called a "Hunter" for a reason.

The man laid beside Roanoke, his guts on full display from the opened stomach. His eyes were glazed from death, and his mouth hung open in a final scream.

With a lurch, Alpha recognized the mass in Yawp's jaws as a lung.

A throaty growl sounded from the zombie, concern now lacing the confusion. He made to step forward, but the woman shook her head, steadying herself against a wall.

The toddler of the group wailed louder at the movement, making Yawp flinch and whine before crouching down.

Too late, Alpha realized what he was doing. Within the blink of an eye, the Hunter was surging through the air and landing beside the group's teen.

Gray-eyes was too terrified to move, and she stood like a deer in the headlights as Roanoke got to his feet in front of her. Clawed hands reached for the screaming child. She went white as a ghost, pulling the kid to her chest in a death-grip.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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