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Prologue: Elyas, Second-born Prince of Cascadia. Third Person POV

Prince Elyas pondered at the idea of having a wife. He needed a wife. His mother, Queen Constancia, ordained it. It was either that, or his wretched, imbecile of a brother Prince Edmund, who was twenty-one years old, only two years older than him, would become king alongside his sweetheart Rossa, Princess of their neighboring country. Cascadia had belonged to Elyas’ father, King Matheus II before he had died battling an old ogre. He’d died out of bravery. Elyas wanted some kind of death like his. An honorable one.

“Prince Elyas would you like more wine?” came a small feminine voice. Bona, his most favored servant stood before him, hesitant and shy. He’d found her out in the fields one destined day, crying because her parents had died in a fire started by a dragon. Her parents had been honored Englishmen, that they had. Elyas had taken pity on her, and he’d offered her a place in the castle as a servant. She was young, only sixteen or seventeen years old and very beautiful.

Elyas smiled at Bona as she stood at the threshold of his living courters, looking very out of place. “Yes please, Bona. Could you do me the immense favor of calling for my brother Stephanus?” he asked politely in his deep, husky voice.

“Yes, sir,” she piped up and did a small courtesy before turning and leaving, those lovely caramel curls of hers that Elyas always admired bouncing as she retreated, her footsteps echoing off the stone walls of the hall.

            Elyas’ room was big with a stone floor and a carpet at the center of the room, right where his four-poster bed was, simple red covers draped across it. The room also had a big window on the far wall, overlooking his beautiful country, Cascadia. He liked to stand at the window when the sun went down and look over the sparkling water of the moat that surrounded the castle. It was rather peaceful.

            Elyas now leaned back in his cushioned, wooden chair, awaiting the arrival of his younger brother, Stephanus who was two years younger than him, only seventeen years old.

            While Elyas waited, he fiddled with his cape, which was the color of his mother’s roses. Red. Blood-red.

            Two minutes later, Stephanus stormed into the room, Bona trailing after him. She carried a tray with a single golden goblet. Elyas waved Stephanus over to a chair opposite of him. Grumpily, Stephanus sat. Bona hesitantly walked in with the tray.

Elyas smiled at her. “Come, now, and bring me the goblet, dear,” he ordered in a somewhat coaxing way. She scurried over and handed him the goblet, which contained a deep red liquid. She waited, standing over Elyas. He looked at her. “You are excused,” he said tersely. He wanted to be alone with Stephanus. Bona hurried out, empty tray in hands.

Once she was gone, Elyas looked over at his younger sibling. He looked very much like Elyas; the same chiseled features, straight nose, strong jaw, heart-shaped face, and lush lips. That was where the similarities ceased. Stephanus was blonde-haired and fair-skinned with blue eyes. Elyas was dark-haired and olive-skinned with startling, icy-green eyes. Elyas took after their mother whilst Stephanus took after their father.

“Ah, younger brother, do tell me; how are you?” asked Elyas pleasantly, although he already knew that his brother was livid. Queen Constancia and Stephanus had arranged a dinner with a young, suitable princess along with her parents, but Elyas had acted petulantly and had refused to come out to greet them when they’d arrived. He simply did not sympathize with any of the girls in Cascadia or any of the other neighboring countries. Time was running out for him. If he didn’t choose a girl to wed, his mother would choose for him. So in retribution to his Mother’s threats, he had formulated a plan.

Stephanus scowled at his brother. “Get over the formalities, you idiot, and tell me what you want,” he snapped.

            Elyas raised his eyebrows at his brother’s rudeness, tsked, and then brought the goblet to his lips, taking a few generous gulps. He enjoyed the taste of the wine; it was not crude, yet not too immaculate either. “Stephanus, remember you told me that you are acquainted with a wizard who can see the future and go there, too?” Elyas asked innocently.

            Stephanus frowned. “Indeed, old Arnaldus, but why in the world-?” he cut himself off as he understood what Elyas intended to do. He turned his glare to Elyas. “No, absolutely not, Elyas! I forbid you-! “

            Elyas cut him off, laughing. “Yes! This is the only solution. Stephanus, I’m going to the future to seek a wife!” he exclaimed jauntily.

            Steph glowered. “No, nitwit, I am not-“

            Elyas cut him off again. “No, you’re not, but you’ve told me the old hag’s name,” he stood up abruptly, nearly dropping his goblet in his moment of intense inspiration. “Bona!” he yelled.

            Bona immediately came in. “Your Royal Highness?” whimpered Bona, frightened.

            Elyas was grinning as he turned to her. “Tell Andreas to ready my horse. I am taking a trip to the fields,” he sounded proud.

            Stephanus stood, gaping open-mouthed at his older brother. “No!” he hissed, but Elyas was already heading for the door, following Bona. He turned to look at Stephanus before he left and uttered one single word.


And then Elyas, the second-oldest prince of Cascadia left, in search of a wizard named Arnaldus. He would hopefully help Elyas find a princess from the rumored future. Elyas hoped, secretly, that this would unify his year with the immediate future, the twenty-first century.


Hey, everyone... I hope at least some of you are remotely interested in this story. I started it when I was in 8th grade, 2 years back... I'm actually almost done with the first novel of this trilogy, it's the longest novel I've written so far (700 or so pages hand-written). I think this story is a success, since the people who have actually read it love it...I hope that you guys like it, too. The next chapter will be coming soon, vote and comment if you guys have enjoyed it so far... thanks! 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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