Scorpio-Ch 15

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Just a girl born in the months of death,

No hopes and no dreams,

Just the sweet of innocents,

Or at least, that's how it seems.

Baby Scorpio.

The tender age of seven,

She meets her true love,

But loses him to the evils of the world;

He becomes a lovely, cancer-free dove.

Little Scorpio.

First day of middle school,

Bully she stands but she wants to change;

The girl she torchers,

Forgives her at a pace.

Young Scorpio.

The end of high school,

She knows her parents' love is at their end,

She fights hard for them,

But the papers are signed and ready to send.

Tired Scorpio.

A beautiful being enters her life, now,

Treating her just right,

Knowing all her pain,

Her future looks oh so bright.

Hopeful Scorpio.

It's finally her wedding day,

She knows her happiness awaits,

To grow, to prosper;

This day so excited to her it makes.

Beautiful Scorpio.

Round as a ball,

About to explode,

A new life in the world,

Can't wait to see their stories unfold.

Mother Scorpio.

Her life draws to a close,

With the stories and the memories,

She holds the hand of her husband,

As she sees all of life become her treasuries.

Fading Scorpio.

She lived a hard life,

Full of pain and regret,

But she those didn't get to her,

So everyone agrees it was a success.

Remembered Scorpio.

**This poem... sonnet... like...thing... was by ME! I hope you enjoyed!**


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