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Eight pm on the dot. Shawn pulled into the driveway, parked and made his way for the front door. As soon as his keys were unlocking your shared home, he pushed the door open and was greeted with the smell of fresh garlic bread and pasta sauce. Kicking his boots off, Shawn took in a deep breath, enjoying the smell of a nice and simple home cooked meal. Immediately he made his way up the few steps to his right, knowing that you'd be in the guest room that you were currently using as your studio. As he approached the room, he could hear the soft acoustics of an indie folk band that you two had gone to see the summer before.

"Hey." Shawn said as his knuckles rapped gently on the open door so as to not scare you.

"Hello yourself," you responded distractedly, not yet turning your head around to face him. You were in a trance while concentrating on how you were applying the variety of color with the variety of tools onto the stretched, unframed canvas in front of you. "Dinner's in the oven keeping warm, I'll be down in about five minutes. Good?"

"Okay, I'll go shower first then." he tells you not making any movement to leave the room. Slowly he walked up behind you and peered at the canvas before bending down slightly to kiss your paint covered cheek.

"I like the colors in this one." Shawn mumbles, moving from your cheek to your hair, pressing another gentle kiss atop of your head.

"Hmm thanks," you say. After a few minutes you realize that you'd completely spaced out, too engrossed in your work to stay down to earth. "Gosh sorry I'm not trying to ignore you, I just got a little distracted." You looked up to meet his eyes.

"It's okay babe," Shawn chuckles, "I love it."

"Thank you. You know I'm actually kind of impressed with how this one's coming along," you smile at the abstract arrangement of colors and shapes in front of you.

"I was talking about you silly." Shawn told you causing you to blush slightly, though most of it hidden under the layers of paint smeared on your face. "Also this piece is freaking amazing. Kay, I'm going to go shower now for real this time," he adds, finally sauntering out if the room.


Ten minutes later the two of you were both scrubbed clean, changed into comfy clothes and dishing food onto your plates.

"Table or couch?" Shawn questions casually.

"Let's do couch. My backside is already complaining about sitting on that stool for so long," you suggest, earning a slight chuckle from Shawn behind you.

"Lead the way."

You both get yourselves situated on either end, backs against the opposite arm rests with your feet meeting in the middle, intertwined. The two of you ate in silence, the only sounds coming from the forks against the plates and the channel that Shawn had picked out. The silence was the comfortable silence that the both you needed sometimes, just there to enjoy each other's company while you ate.

"How was your day?" you asked Shawn once you were both finished eating. "Shawn?" you tried after he didn't answer.

"Hmmm sorry, zoned out there for a second," he admitted, "What did you say?" Shawn asked turning back to look at you.

"I was just wondering how your day was."

"Hmm good, finally got that one song finished," he said playing with a ring on his finger subconsciously. "How was yours?"

"Not very eventful, I did a little grocery shopping this morning then met up with my sister for lunch downtown at that new falafel place off of Young Street. Then I came home got dinner started and then got lost in the studio, and well you saw the rest."

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