Nancy Drews Untold Story

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Ok this is a pretty short story, so it won't take long. I want to tell you about me, Jade Drew. I'm sure some of you are saying to yourself right now, "Drew, I know that last name." Well if you're saying that to yourself then you've probally heard of my cousin, Nancy Drew, the famous detective. I'm here to tell you she's a rotten, spoiled, credit stealing, little girl. One of the first cases that she ever solved was with me! I taught her everything she knows! The story I'm about to tell you is one I like to call the birthday cake mystery. 

I hope you all know Bess and George, Nancy's best friends. To set the scene for you all, it was George's birthday and we were all invited to her house. It was a small little brown house up on a hill. It had a tree on the front yard we all used to climb growing up; we would all have a competition to see who could climb the highest. I've got to admit, Nancy was always the winner. Anyways, at the time of the party, I was 8 and Nancy and the rest of the gang were 10. So we do what all little kids do, run around like a chicken with their head cut off. We were running around playing tag. Bess was chasing me through the hallway and as I was passing the kitchen I stopped dead in my tracks, and there it was; George's mom brought out the biggest brithday cake I've ever seen. It was blue with black polka dots in a circle shape, 8 different layers, with sparkles out of the top! It was classy, yet flashy.

We all stopped to look at it, starring in amazement our mouths had dropped to the floor because we all couldn't believe that George's mom made something that should have been out of a TV show. George's mom came over and saw our faces. She started to laugh as she said "better run along, we will have the cake in a bit, I promise." But I almost forgot to tell you, George hates me, (hate is a strong word, more like strongly dislike) the only reason she invited me to her party was because I was over Nancy's house when George invited Nancy and she felt obligated to invite me as well.

So we were all off and running again. At one point I stopped as my eyes widened and realized, I'm going to poop if I don't go to the bathroom. I sprinted toward the bathroom, as soon as my socks hit the tile floor I slid and fell right on my butt, quickly spun around and slammed the door. I was lucky I got there when I did because I was in there for quite a while because in the morning I had the snuck some raw cookiedough and think I ended up getting diarrhea; not fun to admit, but it's necessary for the story to progress. So, anyways, I was in there a little while, so when I got out it was finally time to cut the cake.

We all rushed to the kitchen and were waiting patiently for Geroge's mom to get the knife. It felt like years until she walked all the way over to the cake. When she got over to the cake, she made a confused face as she turned it around. We all saw a huge chunk of cake missing! Almost as if someone took a handful of cake right from the middle of it. Everyone lost there apatite for the cake. Since I had diarrhea still, my stomach grumbled and I rushed off to the bathroom in fear that I was going to embarrass myself.

When I came out out, everyone was starring at me; all of George's family, Bess, and Nancy. I felt so embarrassed; they all thought I ate the cake. Since her and I were detectives I brought up the fact that Nancy needs to search for clues and evidence if she wants to accuse me of a crime. She agreed and said she would question all the suspects. And I'm going to keep this short and not bore you with all the useless details and dead ends of this case, I'll just skip to the conclusion. I was embarrassed and didn't want to tell everyone about my...accident...but, I had to admit it to everyone. My face turned bright red while everyone else's turned to disgust. Everyone realized that I wouldn't be telling such a weird lie over admitting I had some cake, so they believe that it wasn't me. After some careful investigation, I actually found out that it was George's uncle who ate the cake. Plot twist! He's pretty addicted to sugar and couldn't resist such an amazing cake. He bought a new cake for us to eat, but it wasn't as awesome as the one before.

Remeber that I said that Nancy was a lying, credit stealing, little girl? Well, she is; she stole the credit for solving the case even though I was the person who found out it was George's Uncle! I was never invited to another one of those parties again and ceased to exist in the world of Nancy Drew. So please, whenever you think of Nancy Drew, please also think of me Jade Drew, the real mystery solver.

P.S. I wrote this when I was 10 so please don't be too harsh, also I still love Nancy Drew, I grew up reading her books and have read all of them, played all of the video games, and watched the movie. Please don't take this as I hate Nancy Drew because I do not, just a fun little twist that I decided to write a fun little story about.

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