"Where i wanna be "

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The man stared at the ceiling while the crickets outside chirped and the moonlight shimmered through his window. The only other sound to be heard is the snoring of his wife or as she wanted to be called 'his significant other'. The man looked at his phone once more and got up from his single full-sized bed.

"How can two married people not sleep in the same bed??" he grumbled as he looked at his significant other as she peacefully rested.

With his white t-shirt and sweatpants on, the man crept downstairs. The creeks of the hardwood floors echoed down the dark hallway. With each step the man took, the louder the sound seemed. He tried to gently descend the staircase. A task that would prove to be difficult for a normal-sized man due to the age of the house but for him, it's almost impossible without waking anyone. Standing at 6'3 and 360 lbs, He was much smaller before he had a family. Now his beer gut sticks out more than he wished, His chest bounced more than he liked and his knees hurt more than he ever imagined. While Descending the stairs, pictures on the wall of his daughters seemed to stare at him. Seeing their gaped-toothed smiles made his conscious come alive in his head.

"You don't have to do this. Just get some water and go back to bed ".

He almost listened until he saw the wedding photo that was taken 16 years ago. Seeing how happy he was and how he hadn't smiled like that in years, he left the house.

At a red light, he waited for something to stop him. A married friend calling to talk, an in-law emergency, his wife to coming back to her senses and stop the foolishness. Anything to make him go back to his house and properly deal with the tragedy that he calls his life. No such salvation came as he pulled into the parking lot of the local bar. He stared at the little hole-in-the-wall- bar and sighed as he slipped his ring off his finger and slid it into his pocket.

Inside the bar was a handful of middle-aged adults of various races. A few are playing pool in the back while others are listening to old-school music by the bar. The smell of black and mild, cigarettes and alcohol layered in the heat of the bar. While the younger crowd would usually come in and stir up trouble. Fighting with the bouncers or not paying their tabs, tonight the mood was somber. Most people wouldn't come here on a Wednesday night but not James. James was almost here every night and tonight he finally saw his friend from work

"Oh shit the Mac man, come here playa! Angel. ANGEL!! Get a rum and coke for my man's right here!" James yelled

"Just rum. No coke please " Malcolm corrected

"oh, you stressing stressing. I'm surprised to even see you. I thought Vanessa had your balls in her jar for the night. '"

Malcolm ignored the comment and downed his drink.

"Angel, can I get another one, please? Thank you. "

"Damn boy, slow down. See that's why I'd never get married. Let me tell you something, Bitches is good in the beginning. It's all beautiful. Sex every day, she loves everything about you. You come home the house clean. As soon as they pop them kids out, it's all over. They get fat and angry and wanna bitch all the time. 'Why your clothes everywhere on the floor? Why you don't do the dishes? How do you have shit stains on your t-shirts? oh baby can you hold me?' and don't try to have sex 'I'm not in the mood I just want you to hold me .' After you been terrorizing me all day?? Hell no! I don't play that shit. I'll get pussy from you or someone else but I'm getting some pussy."

"That sounds like the most fuckboy shit I ever heard"  a soft voice came from behind them.

A short mocha-colored woman holding a pool cue was behind them.

"How would you know? You look too young to know about love?" James said

"And you too old to understand it " she shot back without missing a beat

Malcolm's eyes widen. "oh you got a mouth on you ...I like that" James replied.

The woman rolled her eyes and focused on Malcolm who just finished his second drink.

"Do you feel the same as your stupid-ass friend?"

"The name is James, baby and what's yours?"

The woman ignored him and continued to focus on Malcolm.

"Not the same but I do believe that love fades after a while. "

"if the love fades tho was it love? "

"well yeah, the love can be the same and the person changes."

It was the woman's turn to be shocked as she was taken aback by the answer. She wasn't expecting something like that to be said, especially in a place like this. Without showing too much amazement, she flashed a smile.

"Good point. Do you play pool? "

"yeah but I only play when something is on the line," Malcolm said more relaxed

"ok, how much money you trying to lose? "

"I'm not trying to take you lil money "

"so, what do you want to play for? "

"your time. "

"That's cute. what's your name?"

"Malcolm. but I prefer Mac" Malcolm extended his hand "What's yours"


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