Creek ~ Starks Pond

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This is just a cute fluff (no smut) between Craig and Tweek. It's kind of short but this is my first South park one-shot book and I'm working on another one already :D Enjoy reading loves <3

Craig's POV

We were having the time of our life, just hanging out in my room. Tweek came over after he texted me and asked to play a game together. I said yes of course, and when he showed up his messy blonde hair was sticking out everywhere. Pulling him into a hug and releasing him I grabbed his hand and shouted "MOM, TWEEK IS HERE" flipping her off and smiling. She did the same as I dragged Tweek up my stairs to my room. We sat there for a while playing games and taking turns.

"Am I staying over tonight?" Tweek asked

"If you want Tweekers." I say as the word Tweekers glides off of my tongue.

I turn to look at him, after failing my game of course, to see he's blushing a light pink at the nickname I gave him. His nose is freckled and pink it's so adorable. Not saying anything he calls his mom and asks to stay, which she always says yes to. Tweek yawns and nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck, watching me play games. he seems tired so i tell him to take a quick nap, and that i'll join him later. So after telling him it really was okay if he napped he climbs into my bed and falls asleep for about 30 minutes. After about halfway through his sleep I join him, only to be woken up by my mom. "Craig, Tweek honey it's dinner time, I made your favorite." she says looking a Tweek. He looks excited, a small smile lingers on my face despite being woken up.

Walking down the stairs hand in hand with Tweek made me feel so... pleasant. Sitting down I flipped my mom off with the gesture returned to me and ate. Once we finished i yell to my mom "WE ARE GOING TO WALK AROUD!" Tweek and I took a walk around South Park near the lake to unwind. His eyes are so green I can't help but stare into them whenever I get the chance to. He eventually notices me staring at him and squirms under my watch, I avert my eyes from his green one's and smile to myself. Laying down gazing at the stars with our big marshmallow coats on, remaining warm and fuzzy. Our heads are touching and we are inches away from each other. I get excited and kiss his cheek, then i lean over him and kiss his other cheek, then his nose, forehead, and finally his lips. It's long and soft. He sits up, pulling me with him. Climbing onto my lap we are still kissing. He's really getting into it so i push him away gently. He's still of my lap so i lay down and he crawls off me and lays down next to me again. We start talking about Stripe, the coffee shop, his parents, my parents, and we are dragged into a conversation about our future. On long conversation with Tweek about what we are going to do when we get married, I grab his hand and we walk back home. Laying down and falling asleep cuddled up in my arms and legs almost instantly.

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