Meeting King

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    Ring Ring Ring
The Alarm clock keeps Ringing

"Its already pass 8 ohhh crap I'm late again" says King

He sighs deeply and starts preparing to go to school

"Im late again I wonder why the hell can't I wake up early maybe its an illness" he says

"Guess I'll just enter on my second subject"

He stops at the store to buy some cigarette as he starts litting it up
A thought suddenly comes through his head
"I should really take care of my health maybe I'll go to a gym"

He has told that  line a thousand times before but never keeps it.

After walking for almost 30 minutes he finally arrives at his school.
Just when he was about to enter into his class.A loud shut suddenly comes rushing to his ears

"Oh no ...what time is it already......don't tell me I'm late into my second subject ...hes here oh no he's going to kill me..."He says with a nervous and tremble ng voice

Its seems that his teacher Willy who hates people thats always late and absent has arrived....
He starts to walk slowly into the the door and for him he sees a dark smoked aura being emmited from the door causing his heart to pump so hard....That it seemed like it is about to explode like a bomb. ..

Then he mumbles"OK King You can do it just enter and pretend like your a deaf man ....."

He then slowly opens the door and as he stares in front of the class he sees a bull ready to hit him with a powerful horn....

"King,Close your eyes don't look in front and just slowly sit into the chair ...." He says to himself

"Why are you sitting stand up!!!
And for what reason are you late??"Willy says

And He answers "I woke up late sir ...I'm soryy .......(pretend like your deaf its fine your still alive)"

"Give me a valid reason OK do you think that reason is a valid one answer me" says he's teacher

"No,sir I promise I will not be late again...sorry sir"He sighs deeply as he sees his teacher starting to calm down

"huh ...thank God I survived."He says
Thier class was over hes getting ready to have lunch
Willy is kind and jokes a lot but also very strict
He come up with the idea of using King as an example through his discussion

"OK let's take Mr,Deany (Kings last name) for example since he come to school today lets use him at the fullest since well never know when he's going to miss his class again"Says His teacher

After going through morning class he sighs and says"yes i survived another day......i should start waking up early and not getting absent ..oh right maybe I'll go train again this afternoon"

He used to play martial arts in highschool and really enjoyed it but when he graduated he stopped training.He really loved sports.He would watch anime ,Dramas and anything related to sports......

A sudden realization come into his head he begins to look serious
" If I really want to be the greatest detective.The real life sherlock Holmes I should really start getting serious in studying"

He has always dreamed to be a detective that always solved every crimes that come his way.
It started when he was little...When he would watch  CSI(Crime scene investigation)  which his mom truly enjoys watching....He then began watching mystery related Movie series anime's and Korean Dramas ...leading him to idolized Conan Doyle's famous character sherlock Holmes..

His friends then called him saying
"Come on let's go were hungry"
"Ok let's go"he replied

Just as he was about to go down the hallway a familiar face suddenly appears ......His heart once again starts beating so hard and the smile on his face suddenly fades........

Kings Simple Yet Entertaining LifeWhere stories live. Discover now