CHAPTER 1: The Beginning

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Y/N woke up in the woods, it seems that all of his equipment was stolen

"What the hell happened yesterday..." He said

He looked around and saw his friend John on the ground, he had a dagger in his back

"John... You were like a brother to me." Said Y/N as he pulled out the dagger out of his back, he was about to leave the place until he heard a rustle in the bush

"Who's there?!" He said in a scared tone, a bunny hopped out of that bush

"Phew, I thought I was about to be attacked, at least I have something to eat now." He was about to kill the rabbit until a someone tapped his back, once he turned around he saw not someone... He saw something entirely new

"What has that bunny ever done to you to deserve such a horrible death?" Said the green father

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"What has that bunny ever done to you to deserve such a horrible death?" Said the green father

Y/N screamed "What the hell are you !?"

"That's a rude thing to say" the unknown creature replied

Y/N was confused "You aren't hostile?"
He said in a nervous tone

"Of course not, my name is Ivern, care to tell me yours?"

Y/N sheathed the dagger "My name is Y/N, it's nice to meet you."

Ivern sat down "So, what brings you here?"

"I was going to the kingdom of Demacia but I got attacked by a group of bandits along the way... Say, could you tell me which direction it is in?"
He said

"Of course, you should go south of here if you want to reach your destination, here take this as a parting gift from me" Ivern gave Y/N an interesting item

"Of course, you should go south of here if you want to reach your destination, here take this as a parting gift from me" Ivern gave Y/N an interesting item

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The unknown fluid was glowing a bit, it was as red as the blood of the gods.

Y/N asked Ivern "What is this?"

"Have you never seen one of these young one? It's a healing potion, any wound you receive can be healed when you drink this" Ivern answered

"Hm... I guess I suffered a bit of memory loss after that attack..." Said the youngster

"I'll be leaving now, I have to take care of the hunters who came into the forest. Have a good day!" Said the green father as he left Y/N


Y/N exited the forest to see this...

"Absolutely beautiful" Said the young man, he continued his road and came across a knight blackmailing a poor man into giving him all the gold he had

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"Absolutely beautiful" Said the young man, he continued his road and came across a knight blackmailing a poor man into giving him all the gold he had

"I thought knights were loyal kind warriors..." He said as he saw the knight kick the poor man, Y/N said "I have to put a stop to this" as he grabbed his dagger and said "Hey knight! You are a poopy head!"

The knight took a deadpan expression and said "How dare you call me, Silas Magelon, A poopy head. You'll pay for that" after saying that the knight took out his sword and took a stance

"Um, you are going to kill me because I called you a po--" before he could finish the knight took a slash at him, he ducked and dodged "Holy--" he couldn't finish the sentance as he got kicked to the face, Y/N's body went limp across the ground

The knight was about to execute Y/N until a tall man in heavy armour didn't show up

The knight was about to execute Y/N until a tall man in heavy armour didn't show up

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"Sir Garen! I'm sorry for my actions!" Said the knight once he saw the man

"Apology denied, I'm stripping you of your title as a knight" Garen replied

The knight became enraged "Look at what you did kid! Because of you I'm going to loose my job!" He charged at Y/N but was knocked out before he could lay a finger on the young man

Garen said "I'm sorry, things like this happen from time to time"

"It's alright, it takes far more than that to take me down!" Y/N smiled with a missing tooth, after that he waved goodbye to Garen and started searching a tavern, it took him 3 hours but he found one, once he went in he ordered milk and a familiar person started laughing at him, Y/N started to remember something...

"You and your friends attacked me while I was heading here!" Y/N said in a loud tone

"So what? You've got a problem with it?" Said bandit number 1

"Guess we didn't beat you up hard eno--" bandit number 2 couldn't finish his sentance as Y/N kicked him in the testacles, a man in the corner of the tavern screamed "FIGHT!" Everyone stood up and started beating the living s41t out of each other

Y/N grabbed his equipment and snuck out of the tavern, but along with the equipment he stole a burlap sack which had 6 gold pieces in it "Jackpot!"

Short timeskip

After everything settled down Y/N went back in and rented a room for 2 gold pieces, he layed down on the bed and started drifting off to sleep

"I wonder what kind of an adventure awaits me tommorow..." He said it as he slowly started drifting off to sleep


Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the book. I mean it's the first chapter, I hope you weren't expecting a lemon. If you've got any suggestions then please contact me as I'm new to this. Bye and have a good night/day, timezones.

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