amelie x avani (fluff)

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hey guys this is my first story ever so i'm sorry for any errors 🥺
amelie walked into the room with a sad expression on her face, looking down with pouty lips and furrowed eyebrows. this caught avani's attention easily. she went up to amelie and asked what's the problem. amelie looked up to her with glistening eyes, that looked like a tear was gonna fall down at any moment. avani quickly hugged amelie tight and assured that everything was gonna be all right.
amelie burst out into tears in avani's arms. avani just stood there hugging her until everything was ok.

around 5 min later amelie finally calmed done. avani then used this time to ask about the situation. amelie her the whole story. there were a lot of hurtful comments on her tik tok that got to her. avani shook her head and looked amelie into her eyes and said "don't listen to those comments, they aren't true at all. you're perfect the way you are and you will always be. don't let them get into your head ok? i really hate seeing you like this...." (wait this actually so cute i'm- 🥺)

amelie modded slowly with a small smile on her face. "thank you avani... i really needed that." they hugged each other one last time before hoping on the comfy bed and cuddling while binge watching some netflix shows.

— the end ✨ —

i hope you guys enjoyed :)
if you guys have any ideas for
more oneshots feel free to comment!

— 252 words —

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