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Lukas, David, and Ms. P had finally gotten back to the airship after getting the Wendy-snatcher egg (and losing the mother). Lukas and David were both exhausted while Ms. P was bustling around the airship's kitchen as she made tea.

The two men were groaning as the so-called Wendy Snatcher had burned them quite badly. Honestly, it was only Lukas' quick thinking of having the two dive into the water and forming a small air bubble around them that had saved them. This dragon was probably the most dangerous creature that Ms. P had ever had them deal with.

Their groans got even louder (if that was even possible) when the older woman walked over with a tray of tea and set it down, handing each of them a cup.

"Ms. P, really it's fine, we don't need any of your tea." Lukas was trying to be polite but at the same time, he was already in a lot of pain and didn't need her tea on top of it. David didn't even try to be polite about it as he froze the tea the instant she bought the cup near him.

"Oh come now, tea is very good for healing!" Ms. P said making another cup of tea for David before adding. "Besides, I want to see what you think of my new recipe!"

"New recipe?" Lukas asked hesitantly, David letting out another groan but not daring to freeze the tea again as Polly was now watching him.

"Yes! I got the idea for it when that Jakey boy from the Protectors came to visit me but I never thought to actually try it until now so you'll be my testers!" She said cheerily.

"Look, Ms. P, we really don't want to be some kind of taste tes-"

"Do it or I'll sick Polly on you." She cut him off with a cheery smile as Polly flew up to sit on her shoulder.

Both godslayer and devilslayer paled. They did not want to deal with burns from Polly on top of the burns from the dragon. Nah ah, no way. So with a sigh, they both took up the teacups and took a sip.

"Well, what do you think?" Ms. P asked enthusiastically.

"It's not that bad actually..." Lukas said taking another sip with a shocked expression on his face. David shared the same expression as he took another sip as well to confirm that hey, this actually tastes ok.

Ms. P smiled happily. "Ah see, told you that the tea is very good."

"I mean-" Lukas didn't get the chance to finish his sentence as he suddenly felt a lurch in his stomach. He almost threw up but managed to stop the bile from rising as he looked over at David.

Looking at David though, his eyes went wide in surprise. The ice mage's eyes were glowing a light blue and raising a hand, he could see that a light blue glow was coming from his own face. He glanced over at Ms. P and saw that for once she actually looked worried.


Before he could even finish his sentence, a bright light surrounded the two. For a moment, neither Lukas nor David could see anything. Lukas felt his stomach lurch again as his head seemed to start spinning.

It only lasted a moment or two but when the light cleared, they weren't sitting on the chairs in Ms. P's airship as they were before. They were on solid ground. Not that they got to process this for long as suddenly a bird came flying at their faces.

"Gah!" Lukas and David both jumped back as the bird had a similar coloring to Polly's and man that bird was terrifying. The bird went to attack them again only for it to suddenly be stopped by a person reaching forward and blocking the bird with her arm.

"Sorry about Polly, he was just surprised by your sudden appearance."


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2020 ⏰

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