Just A Cold.

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SenGen short -

(A/N : I dunno a lot about WRITING SenGen yet but I thought I could write something short and sweet.)

It's kinda hard to hold a test tube steady when your hand's shaking and your head's all fuzzy. Senku's well aware of the risk of experimenting while sick, but his stubbornness (and fever) is sorta clouding his logic. He knows he should rest if he wants to work efficiently, but he's almost done with the test. A little more shouldn't hurt, right?

He's so focused on not messing up, he doesn't notice Gen shuffling inside, hoping to get out of working for a little while. Gen does, however, notice Senku struggling to pour liquid into a beaker and wobbling on his feet. He creeps up behind him and looks over his shoulder.

"Hey, Senku?"

Senku jumps a bit, dropping the test tube, it shatters on impact with the table. He sighs.

"What is it now, mentalist?"

"Did I really scare you that badly?"

Gen looks Senku up and down, he's sweating and swaying slightly. Despite his dazed look, he seems very impatient. Senku scratches his head and sighs.

"Man, I just wasn't paying attention... Barely even heard you come in."

Gen's smile fades as he grows more concerned for Senku. He gently places his hand on his shoulder and studies his face.

"Yeah, you're sick, no doubt about it."

Gen places the back of his hand on his forehead for confirmation. Its burning.

"Well you should get back to work then, wouldn't want you getting sick too. I can work through this, I've dealt with worse than a little cold..."

"Oh come on, Senku! You know it's not logical to just 'work through the pain' like that! You need to take care of your body."

Senku waves him off, turning away.

"Look, I'll rest if I have to, alright? I know my limits." Hands on his hips, he stares at the mess of glass and chemicals.

"If you say so..."

Gen inches his way out of the lab, but stays close by to check on him. Once he's out of the room, Senku starts to clean up the glass shards. Afterwards, he places his hands on the table and closes his eyes. Letting out a long sigh, he slaps his cheeks to try and get excited. The excitement is short-lived, however, as the fever persistently throws off his focus. Flaws in calculations, chemical spills, broken test tubes, and frustration builds with every mistake. He knows this is futile, he shouldn't fight it. He should just lie down and sleep it off like a normal person. But feverish Senku decides that he needs to accomplish something before resting. He wipes his sweat away and smirks, then heads off to gather more materials.

"I've survived for thousands of years incased in stone. This is nothing. I'll blast past this little cold and... uhh..."

Senku's rambling is interrupted as the rooms spins and the floor rushes toward him. His legs buckle and he hits the ground.

"... guess that's not gonna happen..."

Gen, who has been loitering around the entrance, rushes in after hearing a loud thud. He helps Senku sit upright, and supports his swaying body.

"Alright, genius, you've reached your limit. You've gotta sleep this off now."

Senku pouts, but lets Gen lead him to the observatory to rest. The others ask what's going on to which Gen fills them in. Kohaku then helps Gen get him inside. She scolds Senku for not resting sooner, he opens his mouth to defend himself, but lowers his head in defeat. Kohaku frowns, showing concern for her friend. Gen reassures her that he'll get better soon.

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