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He shimmered us to my dorm room. He chose a red shirt and a set of jeans. A simple thing. Apparently he doesn't want them to look at me. I don't belong to them. He kissed me before pushing me into the bathroom. When I came back he was in his underwear. I turned around.

"Really!?" I said. "What? It is not like you are not going to see me naked in the future." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Lets wait for that day. Surprise me." I said. He chuckled. "You can turn, Ezzy." He said. "How sure are you?" I asked. "Very." He replied. I turned. He only had his pants on. "You call this dressed?" I asked. He laughed and pulled me against him. "Sabriel!" I scolded. "What? It is not like you don't like to be near me. If you did you would have left and shimmered to your dorm last night." He said. I pulled his arms tighter around me.

The door opened. Lily and Jace walked in. Their lips were connected. Lily opened her eyes and saw us. She pushed Jace away and looked at Sabriel and me. Sabriel tried to pull his hands away but I tightened my grip on him. He pulled me tighter against him. "Lily?" I asked. "Uhh... It's not what you think it is." She said. "Too late. We used that line already." Sabriel said. "I'll explain when you do." Lily said. Sabriel and I took a deep breath. "Your questions." He said. "When? Where? Why? What? How?" Liky asked.

"When. Pleadge night after I kissed her."
"Where. After I dragged him upstairs."
"Why. We are mates."
"What. Yes. He is my mate."
"How. The pull, the pledge and the key."
"Your turn." I said. "Same questions."

"When. Five minutes ago. Where. The corridor after Lucifer left to go to the family thing. Why. Cause we can. What. He kissed me in the corridor. How. After I left the classroom from my extra math." She answered. We nodded. Sabriel kissed my neck. "Sabriel!" I hissed. He chuckled and kissed me. I kissed him back before I remembered that Jace and Lily were standing there. I pulled away.

"You guys are weird. You were freaking out when you found out he was your new dance partner and now you to are all over each other." Jace said. "Shut up!" Lily said. "Excuse me?" Sabriel and I asked. "Well-" "Hold on. Lucifer is calling. Shit. Were late. Lets go." Sabriel said and shimmered us there.

It was a beautiful cave on a mountain. There was a ledge. The ledge had a five point star in the middle. One point had a glowing moonstone. On the left side of the moonstone was Lucifer and Rachel. Next to Lucifer was Balthozar with.. ugh. My half sister. Next to him was Azzazil with Holly's roomate who's name I always forget. There was one point left. I guess that is for Sabriel and me. Sabriel took my hand and lead me there. He put me infront if him. Thats when chaos broke out between the brothers.

Sorry for the cliff hangers. Nope. I ain't sorry. Peeps, please tell me if you see anything wrong so I can correct it. Critism is fine. Once again. This is a prequel. This is before FORBIDDEN. Please vote and comment.
Love y'all♡


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