Oh, Baby, Baby Part 2

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Summary: Mal is sleeping over at Evie's place one night when she ends up sleepwalking and sleep-eating. Naturally, this leads to trouble. But the type of trouble it caused was what no one could have expected. Let's just say Mal's being a real "baby" about it. Mal and Evie friendship/sister feels, Uma friendship feels with Mal and Evie, Core Four feels, Bal, Huma, Jarlos, and Jaudrey.

Uma was jogging down the sidewalk in the crisp, cool air of the morning, the fresh air filling her lungs and the occasional car passing her by as they rushed to morning jobs. Uma breathed deeply, enjoying the feel of a nice, calming exercise to get her blood pumping and her mind ready for the day.

Just as she was passing the long driveway heading up to Evie's house, Uma received a text. Which was exceedingly odd, since Uma never received texts that early in the morning.

Uma stopped in her forward motion, just jogging in place for a moment as she looked at her phone. She furrowed her brow as she realized that Evie had messaged her.

"Can you come to my house? I have a seriously big (or small depending on how you look at it) problem!!!" Evie's text read. Uma raised an eyebrow and stopped jogging for a moment to type something back.

"Sure, in front of your house rn on jog. What the prob?" Uma sent, and absently wondered what the issue could be. It must have been something monumental if Evie was up on a Saturday morning at eight o'clock.

"Just come. I'll explain when you get here," Evie replied after only a moment. Uma sighed deeply, finding herself more than a bit concerned as she started the hike up Evie's driveway.

Before long, she was on Evie's patio, headed for her front door. Uma quickly strode over to it, and she swiftly knocked on it, somewhat worried about what the other girl could have gotten into.

After a moment, however, it quickly occurred to her that Mal had said that she was going to spend the night with Evie. Uma rapped on the door once again, finding herself suddenly very fearful of whatever Evie might have gotten into with Mal.

However, before she could consider this any further, a small, purple-haired girl appeared before the glass door, and Uma's eyeballs nearly fell out of her head as she stared. The little girl just smirked and stuck her tongue out at her before jumping up and grabbing the door handle the best she could. It was one of those handles that didn't turn, but pulled down, and so the child was able to open the door without too much trouble.

The door slowly opened, and the little girl pushed it the rest of the way open as Uma just stared blankly.

"Hey, Shrimpy," the kid greeted, and Uma's eyes went wide as she was immediately carried back to memories of her and Mal as a kid and Mal's teasing ways. Heck, this kid looked just like Mal as a child. Just as mean and mischievous, too.

"Oh, no," Uma murmured under her breath.

"It's that dream again," she acknowledged aloud, remembering that one that she always had about a mean baby Mal torturing her throughout her life even into old age.

"Oh! Uma, you're here!" Evie suddenly cried, doing that funny hurrying walk that wasn't quite a run as she tried to move quickly. She took the purple-haired kid by the shoulders and guided her back into the house as she waved Uma in. Uma very slowly stepped across the threshold, scared of the madness that she was about to potentially have to put up with.

"Did you spawn, undergo asexual reproduction, or what is happening here? Because I do not want to be having that dream again," Uma bewilderedly asked Evie, and Evie shook her head.

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