Morgen in Berlin

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The golden sun rose above Berlin's wide skyline and fledgling chicks twittered and chirped ravenously.
In the house of a particular boy, an alarm clock could be heard shouting obnoxiously,

Rolli Schmidt, in his fatigued rage, grabbed the alarm clock and chucked it at his wall in an effort to get it to shut the hell up. Unfortunately the gravity wasn't working in Berlin that morning so it kinda just bounced gently off the wall.


Reluctantly Rolli clambered our of bed to appease the seemingly immortal clock. He stumbled his way to the bathroom and began brushing his teeth.
In the mirror he could see that his blonde hair looked like a plate of spaghetti thrown in a blender which was then thrown off a cliff so he combed it as quickly as possible.

He went back to his room and looked at his white pyjamas. He knew his mother would nag him if he walked to the kitchen wearing that so he changed into a white shirt, jeans and a red jacket.

He stumbled down the stairs, towards the kitchen to find a note on the table.

"Lieber Rolli,

Ich werde in die Stadt einkaufen gehen. Ich werde zurück um vierzehn Uhr kommen.

Bis bald, Mutti"

It appeared Rolli had a morning free to himself and his mother wouldn't be back until 2pm. Plenty of time.
Grinning widely, Rolli put 4 teaspoons of sugar in to his coffee. Usually his mother would chide him if he dared put more than 2 teaspoons.

Still grinning, he took out his phone and dialled into it. After a few moments of silence, a girls voice was heard.


"Hallo Rita. Ich bin Rolli. Willst du Bowling spielen?"

"Bowling spielen? Ja, natürlich! Bowling machlt viel Spaß!"

"Toll! Tchuß!"


With that all done, Rolli remembered he hadn't fed his guinea pig, dog, fish, kittens, budgies or cat.
He scrambled to get their breakfast together and laid it out messily in the kitchen. He sprinkled fish food into the fish tank, dropped a mound of cabbage for his hamster and poured bird seed for his budgies in a small, daffodil yellow plastic bowl.

The ring of the doorbell startled Rolli but he raced to the door. At the door he found his long eye-lashed friend, Rita.

"Guten Morgen Rolli," she smiled.

"Guten Morgen. Willst du alles essen?"

"Nein. Ich habe schon Frühstück gegessen."

"Oh ok. Was hast du gegessen?," asked Rolli.

Rita took off her shoes by the door and answered back," Einen Apfel und Frühstücksflocken."

"Das ist gut,"replied Rolli."Solltest wir jetzt in die Stadt gehen?"

"Nein. Es ist zu früh," Rita reasoned.

Rolli turned on the TV and flicked through a number of channels. Suddenly Rita shouted,
"Ich will die Kochsendung sehen."

Rolli changed the channel back just in time to see the charismatic, middle-aged host flip his pancake delicately to reveal its golden,brown and fluffy side.
Both Rolli and Rita were amazed by this and Rita jumped up and boldly said,
"Ich will einen Pfannkuchen essen."

A day in Berlin (Hallo aus Berlin fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now