Chapter 1

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March 19, 2009

            I quickly rushed to my car.  Throwing my bag in the back seat of my deep blue Volkswagen, Atlas.  I hurried into the driver's seat and locked the door.  Taking deep breaths, I calmed myself down, as I knew I shouldn't have been driving whilst so worked up.  Once calm, I started my car.  Pulling from the parking lot, I turned onto the main road heading into town towards Clare Hill's apartment complex.  Once I pulled in the parking lot, I got out grabbing my bag from the back before locking up my car.  I strutted forwards and up the stairs heading right to the one bed one bath of apartment 212B, in which I inhabited.  I was on high alert, watching my surroundings as my hand shook trying to put the key in the bolt of the off-white door.  As soon as I walked in the pitch-black room, throwing my bag in the corner behind the door I switched on the lights.  In two weeks, I would be doing this exact same thing, but the room would be filled with all my friends and family ready to give me another surprise party like they always had since I moved in alone.  I walked into kitchen that lived in one corner of the big room that inherited most of the apartment, besides the bed and bath.  Digging through the pantry and fridge I made a sandwich with pringles, grabbing a Dr. Pepper from the box on the floor by the fridge.  Carrying my food, I strolled to the living room plopping down on the couch.  I turned on the tv, and playing on there was my favorite Chick Flick "Fallen Stars".  I heard a rustling come from the window behind me.  It's just the cat, I thought to myself.  I continued to watch my movie and ate my dinner.  All of a sudden, I heard a loud bang, and then the lights when out.  "Ugh the Fuse Box blew again."  I sat my plate on the edge of the side table and heaved myself to the door.  I slowly slid myself through the door way and down the stairs walking to the Fuse Box.  I heard another rustling, stupid cat.  I look down at the electrical piece in front of me.  I decided to head in to get a screw driver.  When i looked up I was met with a black hooded figure.  Maybe he's here to fix the Fuse Box?   I turned around to walk back to my apartment when suddenly I felt a strong and hard grip wrap around my forearm.  My head spun back to look at the figure.  I tried to move, I mentally yelled at myself to move but I couldn't.  My chest tightened and my breath hitched when the figure pulled a knife from its pocket.  I tried to scream but nothing came out.  I was about to die and couldn't do anything about it.  Tears slowly fell down my cheeks.  For a brief moment I thought it might have had a change of heart.  But I quickly realized I was wrong, when I felt a slice across my cheek.  I cried out in pain, before the world went black.

I woke in a panic, quickly looking around my surroundings.  I was in my own room.  It must have been a dream.  I walked out of my room to the main room.  My food still sat where I had put it.  Guess I forgot about it when I went to bed.  I walked into the bathroom and splashed water on my face.  But my eyes widened a fraction bigger when I looked in the mirror.  There was a cut going along my left cheek.  I ran from the bathroom, out the front door, and down the stairs toward the Fuse Box.  On the dry dead grass that sprawled along the ground was blood.  I was about to freak out when I heard a voice from behind me.  I spun around far too quickly to be inconspicuous.  Standing there on the grass was my neighbor, Jake.  He and I didn't get along to well.  He always blamed me for the Fuse Box.  It always "ruined the mood" when he had one of his lady friends over, "Your just jealous", he would say which was completely untrue.

            "You owe me a thank you." He mumbled, unlocking his mail slot.  I crossed my arms over my chest.

            "What exactly should I be thanking you for?"  I asked.  He shrugged pulling the multiple envelopes and packages of all shapes and sizes out.  This man could not have been anymore confusing.  He locked it back, turning on his heel headed back to the door which marked apartment 213B that sat next to me.

            "For fixing the Fuse Box YOU broke again."  He grunted out before slipping back into his little abode.  I huffed.  The man was ridiculous, cute but ridiculous.  I drug myself back to my apartment.  A scream escaped my lungs as soon as the door had been pushed open.  There on the white wall, was written in what looked like blood, the words: You can never hide.... I blinked and rub my eyes over and over and when I looked back the words were gone.  Was it all in my head?  I checked the clock on the stove, 8:47pm it read.

            "Oh shoot, I'm going to be late for work if I don't hurry."  I rushed to the bathroom, and threw my messy auburn hair up in a bun.  I didn't have time to wash it but I would tonight.  After jumping out of the shower, I quickly got dressed in my uniform which hung on the back of the bathroom door.  Sliding into the full black bartending uniform I quickly curled my hair.   Swiftly putting on a minimal amount of makeup and fake lashes, I grabbed my phone and keys.  I hurried out the door, locking up the bed lock and headed straight for my car.  I was still a little shook up from last night and this morning so i turned on the radio, Adele blared throughout the vehicle.  I got out of the car, after parking in my usual parking spot to the left of the building.  Once inside I went straight behind the counter.

The end of my shift, finally.  I had a splitting head ache from the smell of nicotine and tequila.  All I had to do now was take out the trash.  After putting a liner back in the bin, I picked up the heavy glass filled bag.  Stalking outside I lifted the lid of the dumpster.  A gun shot roared right as the bag hit the bottom.  I flipped around to the sound.  Lying on the concrete floor of the dark alley way was a young girl blood splattered her body, standing above her was the black hooded figure.  The dumpster lid slammed behind me; the figures head whipped toward me.  He strode toward me, his steps starting out slow but started to quicken.  I whirled around and sprinted to my car.  Once in I locked the door, trying to hurry and find my keys.  Out of the alley way the figure quickly walked up to my car with a metal rod.  My heart quickened, and so did my movement.  Smash.  Went my back window.  Smash.  Went my back-passenger window.  Smash.  Went the passenger window.  It walked around to the front of my car, and swiftly crawled onto the hood.  Before smashing the wind shield, the glass cut me everywhere.  Just as quickly as he appeared, he was gone.  My breathing was rapid, my heart beating out of my chest.  My vision went blurry before I passed out into the darkness.

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