Chapter 1

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Colin White POV

Its lunch time. Good and bad. Good is because it's food... who doesn't like food. Bad because it's the first day of school. There's this one table, that both "groups" (populars and baddies) like to sit at. However both can't share because... they just ...can't (we have tried in previous years and it didn't work out that well...) Usually we end up in a fight. A very big fight. I try to hurry to the lunch room but I already see Maddie Jones getting there first.

Mental sigh. It's gonna be a long lunch.

Maddie Jones POV

I rush to the lunch room. Don't get me wrong I love lunch, but not when it's the first day of school. Both "groups" have to settle there territory's. I always try to get there first, try to stop a fight from breaking out. I have never had success and usually get into an argument with Jake. Jake the "bad boy", the kid who's "too cool for school". My boyfriend. The "bad girl" and "bad boy" are always supposed to date each other. It's just how things... work.

I beat Colin White, the "popular jock" to the lunch room. To be completely honest I hate the stereotypical names we use for each other, but there's no other way to describe each other.

He starts to jog as he sees me. Glaring, almost.

Amanda Shelby POV

I take my time. Heels clicking down the hall.

"Come on, Amanda!" Kris yells trying not to trip over her heels.

"No need to hurry," I coo. The fighting doesn't getting interesting until I show up.

We can't help it. It's our nature to fight. You just got to let the boys roll with it. They eventually fight there way out. Plus Colin looks kind of hot with a few bruises to start off the year. Colin, the perfect golden boy, always fighting to protect me. I Amanda Shelby, the most popular, prettiest girl in the school take this man to be my... boyfriend. Let's keep it at that for now. I mean the high school sweet hearts are supposed to marry each other... right?

Jake Smith

"I fucking hate those bastards!" I curse at Andrew.

"Bro, come on!" He yells half running. I struggle to catch up with him as we catch sight of Maddie getting to the lunch room. She should be able to fight off the table... right? Or will she just try to make peace, like every other year. She hates the fighting, the bruises and scars, but she's not afraid to get in one. That's what I like about her. She's badass. I mean we have to date each other... it's just the way... it works.

"Hurry up, Andrew!" I sprint now. Got to make it. This will be our year I can tell. If only Maddie could just hold up for once.

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