Chapter 1

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"And that concludes your group novel project! Well done everyone." Mitchel Newman said loudly as to get his 3rd grade classes attention.

 There were 3 groups of kids scattered in different parts of his classroom. Group one, to the far right of the space, were students who wanted something easy to read over the course of the past 3 days. They all read 'The Report Card' by Andrew Clements. 

The group in the middle of the room were kids who wanted something a bit more challenging to read, but still didn't want something to difficult to understand, read 'Charlies Raven' by Jean Craighead George. 

Finally, The group to the far left read a 4th grade reading level of 'Romeo And Juliet' rewritten by Peggy L. Anderson because they wanted something to make them look smarter. 

The 3 days had gone by smoothly and everyone had finished their book. Book group discussions had just come to an end and there was still 10 minuets until dismissal. Mitchel decided to use this time to his advantage. He knew some students would want to share ideas about their book or ask questions.

"Any questions or comments?" He asked.  A couple of students raised their hands. He called on a small blond girl in the left side of the room.

"Yes, Abby"

"I have a question. You know how me and my group read 'Romeo And Juliet'?"


"You know how Romeo and Juliet died for each other out of love?"

"mmhmm" He knew that wasn't exactly correct but he also knew what she meant. Once you work with little kids long enough, you learn how they think.

"Well...I was wondering if there is there anyone you would do that for? I mean, you're a nice guy and I'm sure you have someone you love. "

This question made Mitchel laugh. He tried to come up with the best answer he could due to the fact that his relationship was complicated. They are 3rd graders after all. with his mind drawing a blank, he decided to make a joke out of it.

"Why yes, In fact I do."

He watched as all the little kids faces light up.

"WHO!?" They all cried.

He honestly wasn't expecting them to be this exited."Well, they are cute and perfect and I would give the world for them."

"WHO?!" They shouted louder.

"...well..., she Is a black little puppy at my mothers house that I just adore."

The room filled with laughs until one kid sadly said:

"So you don't have anyone you love? Beside your mother and father of course. But those don't count."

Mitchel replied without thinking.

"I never said that."

The room then erupted with chants. Some kids yelling "Mr. Newman's got a girlfriend" others yelling at those yelling "Mr. Newman's got a girlfriend" because "Who knows!? It could be a boy!" Then there were the kids who chose to go straight to Mitchel and ask him. Chaos reigned the room for a solid 3 minuets.

Luckily, bus riders were called and kids who's parents picked them up were slowly but surely being called out. The room got quieter as children started talking among themselves. It was now easy to hear snickers coming from the door of the classroom. He could easily tell it was Conner Davis, the 7th and 8th grade history/geography teacher, laughing at him.

"Shut it Davis!" He smiled

"That sounds like effort, so no." Conner retorted. 

While the two teachers banter continued, one of Conner's students, Lance Evans, walked past Mitchel's room on his way to be picked up. Hearing the raillery, Lance decided to poke his head into the classroom. He saw them and sighed. Any kid his age would know they both liked each other. Maybe they would be a thing if they both weren't so hard-headed. He continued walking down the hall smiling to himself about the discovery.

"What are you doing on my side of the school anyway? Our students don't work together for another week." Mitchel asked Conner. 

Conner shrugged and stuck his hands in his jeans pockets, leaning against the wall. "I don't know. I just wanted to ask if we could hang out."

"Hang out? You spend to much time with teenagers."

They both kept talking and subconsciously started walking down the hall towards the parking lot.

"You're no better. Just yesterday you said you had to go 'potty'."

"You got me there."

"So we headed to my place and renting movies?"

"I never said I agreed."

"Sure you did."


"When you followed me to my car"

Mitchel looked around and realized he and Conner just walked all the way to the parking lot from his classroom. He was too immersed in the conversation to notice.

"Fine. Let me go get my car and I will meet you there"

"Nope. Your wasting too much time. Plus you take forever to chose movies to watch. Get in my car and I will drive."

"Okay okay."

Mitchel got in the passenger side of the car and buckled his seat belt before crossing his arms and pouting as Conner pulled out of the school parking lot an drove away.



 Thanks for reading and don't be afraid to comment ideas or point out mistakes. 

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