Chapter 1

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*Making revisions of this book and man I love how chapter one came out, hope you enjoy ^^*


I woke up to my little sister, Zoey, yelling at me to wake up and get ready for school. I groaned and got ready, wearing one of my modified zombie uniforms; schoolbag in hand and apple in the other as I walked outside to see the faces of my fellow accepted community. I was greeted various times since I got involved in some major situations such as becoming not only the first zombie MVP of Seabrooks football team but also attempting to run for school president and welcoming another species into the school, aka the wolves. I entered the school and went to Addison's locker, sneaking up behind her and tickling her until she turned around laughing with the most beautiful rosy cheeks with glimmering eyes and hair as they shined in the sunlight coming through the school's windows and the fluorescence of the school ceiling lights.

"Hey Zed," Addison said as she pulled out a box from behind her with a pink box wrapped with a blue ribbon. I chuckled and opened the box to find a green box with a red ribbon.

"Seriously Addison," I chuckled as I took out the box from within the box.

"C'mon, just open it," she stated with what seemed to be like a forced smile. I'll talk to her about it later.

Ever since we started dating, Addison would give me gifts every once in a while; her love language was gift giving and I personally loved every single one she's given me. Once for Valentine's Day, she had me do a whole scavenger hunt, making the clues about places we had made some memories together. In the end we ended up having a beautiful picnic under this tree with fairy lights surrounding the area, illuminating the area for us and making Addison seem so radiant even in the night. I smiled, possibly looking like a dufus, as I opened the smaller box only for confetti to be blasted in my face. I laughed as I struggled a bit to get the remnants off me and looked inside.

Inside was a card with some of my favorite sweets inside. I chuckled and grabbed the card glancing at Addison who looked a little nervous. I grew a little concerned as I looked back down at the card and realized why. At first, I thought it was a prank and laughed it off but when I saw Addison's face, I knew this wasn't a joke.

"What do you mean you're breaking up with me?"

"Zed, it's not you, it's me. I'm... lesbian," Addison stated cautiously as she looked at me with that dreadful expression. At that moment, I felt as if the world around me was spinning and as if my chest was empty. It took me a moment to fully gain my composure, looking into Addison's eyes asking how she found out. Before she could respond, Willa, Wyatt, and Wynter came over to us.

"Hey Zed, hey snowflake," Willa said as she put her arm around Addison and kissed her cheek. I looked between them shocked and walked away handing Addison the box containing the untouched sweets and the card that I placed back inside. I went to the only place that my feet could lead me, the zombie safe room.

I walked throughout the room until I couldn't hold it in anymore and slid down a wall, feeling my breath escape my body as I hit the ground. This was the first place I met Addison, we had both come here for refugee and yet what we were both trying to escape ended up making this incredible love, a love I thought would last forever. Without realizing, I let out a sob and realized I was full on crying, heartbroken from our most recent interaction seeming like another wonderful moment between the two of us, an excruciating moment being disguised as a sign of love.

I heard the door open, my head jolting and looking in the direction of the sound of feet quickly pacing around. I slowly got on my feet and snuck around the room trying to avoid the person who came in. Next, I heard silence anticipating the sounds of the person, before I jumped as someone grabbed my elbow. I turned around with a fist ready in the air before I stopped, seeing that it was only Wyatt looking up at me.

"Whoa Zed! Relax it's just me," Wyatt stated nervously as he let go of my elbow, putting his arms up for defense.

"My God Wyatt, if you're trying to give me a heart attack before lunch, you would have made me die twice," I said releasing a breath of relief as I put my hands down and patting myself to calm myself down further along with the predicament.

"Darn, maybe next time I'll get you Zombie," he remarked as he playfully hit my arm while doing little jumps. We both laughed as we looked at each other and once we calmed down, Wyatt clapped his fist and hand together and asked, "So Zed, how you feeling?"

"Never better man," I responded through a forced smile as I looked to the ground and up at him to see that he wasn't anymore convinced as I was.

"Are you sure, you know you can talk to me about anything. I know we're not that close but after us saving the Moonstone together, I figured why not at least try," Wyatt said as he looked at me with visible anticipation.

"Of course, I would love to be friends with you and I know what I've said before about changing yourself and fitting in may have put the wrong impression of me but," I was at a loss of words once I realized the reality of what I did to the wolves for some stupid presidential election. I tried to recollect myself after my abrupt pause when Wyatt grabbed my arm.

"Dude, that's all in the past now. I'm glad you feel differently about what you said before though and I understand. I mean it's high school, everything's a popularity contest," Wyatt said with a toothful smirk and I nodded with a smile of my own.

We stayed like this for a while, looking at each other in this comfortable silence, his hand on my arm still. I never really noticed it but he's pretty, his eyes, his cute nose, his colorful attire and hair, his smile, those lips-

Suddenly, the ring of the bell caused us to let go of each other due to us getting shocked by the abrupt sound. We shook our heads at the sound scaring us so easily and headed for the door to go to our class together. When we entered, people were staring at us. I wondered why until I felt something leave my hand.

It was Wyatt's hand.

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