chapter 1 not finished ME : SAVE ME PLEASSSSSSS

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Peach's POV It was 5 months ago , Rose and Kara ink chan we were swimming in a lake and Rose had to leave and before she left, I said "can I come" then she said "how?" I just looked at her with an annoyed look and said "what could you do to turn me into my land form?" I should tell you why, well Im what you would call a water nymph or mermaid and a mermaid is a water male or water form of a human. Then I said " Your magic is adele to change humans and other animals right" then rose said " Yes but how oh yes I could but are you sure you want to" I said " Yes Im sure" Then she said "ok then" then it all went black I couldn't see or feel anything. For a while I was just sitting there waiting then I felt a tingling sensation by my tail or what should be legs for a while then a painfully bright light came shining into my vow and I was blinded. When line of vision wasn't died and I could see again which took a couple minutes of waiting and blinking I started to look around I saw Rose.Then she saw I was up she send "oh your up are you feeling ok" Then I said "yes" and started to look around and what I saw was a stone room. "Where are we" I said "In a cave underground" said Rose "What cave underground" I said "Jem cove cave I believe" Rose said "OK" I said. "How are we going to get out of here?" I said " I'll show you but first you have to learn how to walk '' Said Rose. "Ok how" I said "I'll show you" Rose said. Then she pulled me up and it felt like I was flying ''Bam '' I hit the floor. "Are you ok? '' said Rose.

I laid there for a little wanting for unbearable pain. And I said in a strained voice " Im ok" and got very gingerly so that another spike of pain wouldn't start again. And tried standing up again and to my surprise I didn't fall this time Rose then walked over to me and said and I quote with surprise " here" and then added to what she said, "I always BEE leaved in you" "ROSE'' I yelled will walking to the bathroom to change stumeding along the way but I made it without falling I open the bathroom door and walk in side looked around and saw a window walked up to the window to close and looked outside it was colorful it made me think of my parents in made me feel sad they went missing a couple year age then I closed the window and it slamd closed. I heard Rose yell "are you ok!?" I yelled back "yes!". Then I grabbed my clothes that were on the floor. Put them on the table and picked up the dark gray tank top and put on the feeling of fabric sliding on my skin after I polled down my tank top and then I picked up the long black with white stripes on each side gym shorts I put them on after she put the gym shorts on I put on the orange hoodie then sat on the floor and put my socks and tennis shoes. And stood up and walked out of the bathroom, walked down the hallway and walked over to rose and said "what now?" "We leave," said Rose. "Ok how?" I said "like this" Rose said a portal pops out of nowhere I was surprised "wow" I said. And she started to walk "wait" I yelled chasing behind her. After the sickin portal and me falling face first into the ground and me slowly getting up we started to walk to the castle were Rose kara ink chan and all the other girls live well walk I felt a tingling sensation go down my spine I turned around to see why but all I could see was a black slimy skeleton lurking in the shadows Rose turned around to see what I was looking at and she saw "NIGHTMARE!" said Rose and she walked over and I walk behind her warily or scared. Once she got over she started to talk to him but he wouldn't respond. He was staring at ME? "NIGHTMARE!!!" yelled Rose "hmm what" Said Nightmare. "Who's she" Said nightmare "She's Peach" I said "Well hi PEACH" Said nightmare "WOW, RUDE MUCH" I said "HA ha every fun I mean I am one of the bad guys" said Nightmare "OK" I said "Well Peach we should get going Nightmare do you want to come to" Rose Said. "Ok" I said "Hmm Ok" Nightmare said "Let's Go Then" Rose said. Then we started to walk then I felt someone brush against me, it was Nightmare then I felt someone take my hand slowly I slowly looked down to see who it was that was holding my it was Nightmare. I started to blush so I pulled my hoodie over my face to cover my blushing face. As we were walking over the castle Rose said "So pretty awkward" Then Nightmare said "How so" next I responded "Maybe cuz I don't know NO ONE'S TALK" "Ok ok don't need to be so lowed " Said Nightmare. I started to giggle in the background well. Nightmare and Rose were fighting then Nightmare looked over and said "what's so funny?" I said "That you and Rose can get into a Fight so Easily" than Nightmare said "How is that funny?" I Said " I'll never tell you" As we were walking I heard someone call my name as I turned around I saw Blind Violet and Raven walking towards us.

Once they got to us Blind Violet jumped on me and we fell to the floor. Once Blind Violet got off of me I was able to get up and Nightmare held his hand out for me. As I was getting up I fell and Nightmare grabbed me so I wouldn't fall. After that thing we started walking again. After a while we got to the castle and it was big. I said "I don't remember it being this big!" Rose said "It's always been this big" then Blind Violet said "You guys are lucky you can see!" As we waited for the door to open I heard someone call my name and before I could turn around to see who it was I was tackled and after they got off of me and got up they hugged me it was The Broken Soul. And I hugged her back after we were done hugging. I got a feeling of unease and as I started to look around I felt something come up from behind me. As I turned around I felt something grab my hips and then hug me and put his head on my shoulder as I looked at who it was I fell a tentacool wrap around my waist and then I knew who it was. It was NIghtmare. And I just froze and a feeling of warmth came over me not like happiness no this was different. Then I slowly rapd my arms around his tenticall. And hugged him back as we were standing there that feeling of warmth came over me again but this time. I thought could this be love wait what why did I think that it could never be love. I don't even know how to love someone. I've never loved someone before so why now and why him of all people I'll have to figure it out later. After a while he let go of me and we just stood there in silence.

Then Rose came up to me and asked if I could come with her to help her with something. As we walked away she said "SoI see someone has taken a liking to you am I right" I covered my face with my hoodie because I was blushing and said "I don't know what you're talking about!" "Oh I see he's not the only one" Rose said "Shut up" I said "OK ok I'll stop talking about your love life" said Rose "So what did you need me for." I said "There some things that I can't reach and all the over girl said they can't help me right know and said to ask you" said Rose "Ok but what is it that you need me to get for you" I said "I need you to grab a balloon for me" Rose said " what is it someone birthday or something" I said "NO I just can't reach it" "Ok lets go" After Getting the balloon. I was walking back to the castle when I felt someone grab my hand. It was Nightmare. Then a portal opened up under us as I looked around the portal I saw that we were the only ones that got sucked in to it then the poltal stopped and we fell to the ground as we looked around I heard my phone ringing and I answered the call. It was Rose. Rose said "where are you guys?" I said "We fell through a portal and were in the middle of nowhere. "OK you guys will there a will so get used to it." said Rose "OK" I said. Then someone picked me up and caredly me into the woods and put me on the ground. Then I felt someone behind me, they sat down behind me, pulled me up onto there lap, took my hands, pulled my phone out of my hand, closed it and put it on the floor. Then they put there hands up my hoodie and shirt and took my hoodie and shirt off then I felt a tentical touch my legs and then I new who it was. It was Nightmare. His tentical was still raped around my legs and the gripe got titer and a starange feeling came over me not fear no it was something else a felling of happyness or love mabye no it was something else or was it. Then it all went dark I dont know what happend but I think we were pordeled. when I opened my eyes we were in a cave with no exits. Then I felt some thing grad my arm I turned around to see who it was it was Nightmare. And he polled me in for a hug and stared to say sorry but I stoped him. "No need" I said "It's fine help me up and help me find my clothes" I said " ok " Nightmare said After I got my clothes and got dressed I wentt to go fined my ohone to call Rose and I fell over " I guess Im back to square one with walking" I said I heard Nightmare laughing and then he picked me up. "Are you ok" Nightmare said I noded my head "ok lets go then" Nightmare said.

He graded me and picked me up he walked around and saw a light. And he whated twords the light as we got closer we could see trees it was the way out was we got out wesaw a portel open up it was.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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