Chapter 3: The Date

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The minute I get back to my apartment after a long day of classes I throw my bag on my bed and flop down on my face. "Hey one day down, right?" I hear a voice say behind me, and jump up with a start. I turn my head around and see Annie sitting on her own bed reading a text book."

"Sorry Annie, didn't see you there."

"That's okay." She says, not taking her eyes off the book. "Did anything exciting happen today?"

I turn away from her and bite my lip, debating whether or not to the her about Peeta. I sigh and decide I might as well. "Haha." I start with a nervous laugh "Actually I met the blonde boy from the café today." This makes Annie drop her book and rub over to my bed. "Spill, spill." She says, shaking my shoulders. This makes me smile, reminding me of the good old 'secrets' times I used to have with my sister Prim.

I smile and plop on the back of my bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering how to start. I sit up on my elbow and begin. "Well it turns out we have a class together. The entire time he was acting really weird and kept staring back at me and such, but I just tried to ignore him. Then after class he offered to walk me home, and I couldn't just refuse. After we arrived back at our building he... well... asked me on a date."

Annie's mouth pops open "And you accepted??"

"Yes." I whisper, a guilty smile spreading across my face. Annie slaps her forehead, and shakes her head, but a smile forms on her face. "When?"

"Friday." I reply. "Well I guess you have a few days to prepare." Annie says laughing, then going back to her studies. I lay back down and place my arm over my eyes. What have I just done?


Well somehow I managed to get through the week without having a panic every 5 minutes. Thankfully I didn't see Peeta Mellark in passing, that would have just spiked my fears. I try to remain calm, but every time I think of this strange boy my heart goes up into my throat. It's not just seeing the boy that I'm worried about, but going on dates in general. I haven't dated for years; to busy with my studies and haven't been interested in anyone. There was one boy, Marvel, but it didn't really go anywhere in my opinion.

I stand in front of the bathroom mirror sighing to myself. I have no idea how I should look. I don't want to over or under dress and send the wrong message. I don't even know where he is taking us. I decide to go nice looking casual and plug in the straightener. I apply minimal makeup and put on some slacks and a blue blouse. After finishing my hair I check my phone for the time and realize how late it is. Peeta Mellark will be here in 10 minutes.

I run into my room and grab my coat, trying not to disturb Annie who is sitting at her desk doing homework. Before I head out the door she calls behind her "Have fun! Tell me how it goes" and I reply a quick "Thanks. Will do." I lock the door to apartment 312 and quickly rush to the top of the stairs, trying to take deep breaths. It's just one little date. Simple. Stay calm and focus. I grab the railing to the stairs and gasp as I see he is already waiting in the lobby. I quickly blow my hair out of my face and walk down the stairs casually.

Peeta is looking around the lobby, checking things out, when I tap on his shoulder. he jumps and whips around, but then a smile spreads across his face. "Hello Katniss. You look lovely this evening." He says, taking my hand. "Thank you Peeta Mellark." I reply, trying to avoid his gaze. He laughs "Just Peeta will do."

"Alright then just Peeta. Where are you taking me?"

"Is the Blue Bird alright?" He asks. The Blue Bird is a pretty nice restaurant on campus, but it isn't to fancy. "That would be wonderful." He leads me to his car and we hop in, driving a couple of blocks before finding the restaurant and heading inside. A waiter leads as to our table, and leaves us to decide what to eat. I peruse the menu for a little before speaking up to fill the empty space. "So, is this where you take all your fine suitors?"

Peeta looks up from his menu and laughs, while scratching the back of his head. "Actually I don't go on to many dates. This is my first one in over 6 months."

My eyebrows shoot up. I am genuinely surprised, a good looking man like him. I smile and reply "It's my first one in a while too." He smiles back and relaxes a little, then continues to browse the menu. After a bit our waiter comes to take our order. "Pasta and tea for me, no sugar." Peeta asks. "I'll have the same, but change the tea to water and add a side salad."

As we wait for our meal I tap nervously on the table. I bite my lip, not knowing what else to say, when Peeta speaks up. "So Katniss, what are you majoring in?" He asks me as he takes a sip of his tea.

"Environmental Science. What about you?"

"Well then miss smarty pants. Graphic design. I love to paint and design. But my parents want me to take over the college." My eyes get wide and my heart starts beating faster. I nearly choke on my water. I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks. Of course, how could I not see it? His freakin last name is the name of the college. His parents are the owners. I try to hide my embarrassment by coughing into a napkin, but it doesn't seem to work very well. I begin to apologize. "I'm sorry I should have known. Of course..." But Peeta holds up his hand to stop me. "You don't have to apologize, it's happen plenty of times." I nod and look down as the waiter delivers our food.

After we get settled and begin eating Peeta continues asking questions. "So, do you have any family?"

"Yeah. I have a little sister, Primrose." Peeta smiles and nods. "She has almost as pretty of a name as you. I have two older brothers, Rye and Adam." I blush and nod, wondering why Peeta's parents don't want his brothers taking over the college, but I know it isn't my place to pry. Eventually we finish our meals and Peeta pays, with me insisting that I can help, but he denys. We get in the car and he drives me back to my place. He helps me out of the car, and leads me back into the lobby. "Thank you far a nice night." I say, glancing into Peeta's blue orbs. "Thank you." he says, replying with a toothy grin. Right before I am about to head up to my room he leans down and gives me a hug. I stand there stiffly for a moment until he lets go. I nod a goodbye and hurry upstairs. What in the world did that mean? Races through my mind as I go back into my apartment and get ready for bed.

Authors Note:

So, tell me what you thought. Sorry there isn't very much excitement right now. I'm trying to build it up before I start releasing all the real plans I have for this story.

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Always, May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor

~ talishapeople

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