Thinking through Everything

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Would you say that I'm real?

Looking at me, do I even exist?

I'm but a persistent memory, a collection of reflected photons that won't fade...

A memory, but with no proof, no scar to show I'd been there to begin with.

A ghost.

Would the world change if I'd never been here? Would it change if I left?

How would it change if the inexplicably predictable were to occur with those who ask such questions?

I'm certain it would have lived on, persisted as only it could.

It is the one solid thing, for it presists into each untraceable life.

A million years it might be here and the dust be the only thing to remark upon our past existence.

But a thousand planet years to turn and age, would even this world be dust? Cast like starshine into the next or else left to be broken by assailing comets until a distant time brings another to ask the question of whether or not they are alone...

to ask what might have once existed, what might still persist, or if even the moment they stand on is true--

--for all is basic empty space, but by being so takes up space and becomes real.

What is real without partially being made up of nonexistence?

The true matter of a human takes up less space than a bowling ball I should think--should you take away the nonexistance.

But to do so is to make us not exist as we are, making us nonexistant.

Without light there can be no dark, for both exist within eachother and build upon each other. The amount of each within the other creates a new form--becoming something else entirely.

Much like nonexistence living in the spaces between existence and thereby creates, by pattern, a million million uniquities unlike any other and yet the same as the last.

Classes, species, the Individual.

A constant pendulum for the mind and all going back to the same point.

A flash that somehow is linear without chronology being verifiable beyond those who created it.

A human face smudged on the retinas with no proof that the face exists except to those who'd seen it.

Am I even real? Or am I the dream of a Dream?

If I am not real, if this moment means nothing, then what is this dream and who is the real dreamer?

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