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My name is Kim y/n, and I am 23 years old. I have a husband, and he is older than me, he is 25 years old, and his name is Kim Taehyung

Everything was alright between me and my husband. After 2 years of our marriage, Taehyung started behaving COLD towards me.

He started bringing girls at home everynight. When I would protest, he would hit me..

Taehyung started being possessive.

You can't leave him because you're an orphan. You have no control in this world except for Taehyung and your bestfriend Jungkook. But he moved to America...

I know why he changed.... he said he wants a child but you told him you can't get pregnant becuase you are were "barren", you'll never have a child.

Taehyung really loves kids but you can't do anything and just accept the fact that you can't be pregnant.

My evil husbandWhere stories live. Discover now