Harry Potter and the Black Order - Oneshot

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Instead of being some time around 1800-1899 the timeline, like in D.Gray-Man, they share their time with Harry Potter's timeline... which also means they're in dire need of assistance, as everything will go to shit once 1999 ends.

Harry and Allen are around the same age, though the summer they meet Harry has his fifteenth birthday and this same Christmas Allen will be sixteen.

It is important to know that I've probably tweaked Harry's timeline concerning the beginning of the fifth book.

Allen has already met the Black Order when he meets Harry, and Miranda is already fighting with them; he has yet to meet Krory and that mess with the Ark and Alma Karma still isn't up.

Here I'm assuming that Umbridge's plan with the dementors was especially sucessful in canon. Look at it this way: what if Petunia and Vernon had never allowed Harry to get out of their house? Whatever the dementors did, even if they did get to Dudley, Harry would have never seen it, therefore he wouldn't conjure the Patronus. So here I'm thinking, what if it was a minor ploy: it wasn't important if they Kissed Harry, or didn't and he was expulsed of Hogwarts, or even if it didn't work out, because in Case 1 that was a nuisance out, in Case 2 the same thing and in Case 3 she would have concluded his protections were too great to bypass simply, and launched another attack, or not.

It was summer, so of course it was going to be a shitty day. What Harry hadn't accounted for were the two dementors now following him and his cousin, who were about to reach them. Just when he had unleashed his wand and was about to conjure his Patronus however, a guy he had never met interposed himself between the creatures and himself, and with his giant hand smashed them, and destroyed them.

The new person was a white-haired teen of blue-gray eyes and baby-faced, wearing a cool black uniform -at least it seemed so- and whose giant hand had just grown smaller to become as much a normal appendice as it could while being blood-red and with a cross imbedded.

"You okay?", asked the newcomer with a smile.

Harry blinked twice, taking in the unknown boy's features and concluding he seemed to be of the nice sort.

"Yeah, thanks. How did you destroy the dementors? Could I learn? How does your hand work?". Harry wasn't a curious guy, usually. Rather, he wasn't comfortable asking questions, but the newcomer wasn't a grown-up, which gave him an automatic point in his book, and had a soft air around him that invited Harry to ask out loud, despite having just seen him finish the existence of those dementors.

The other teen smiled just a bit more, always looking at him directly in the eyes -never deviating his look towards the scar- before answering. "I did it using my Innocence, which I was born with in my left hand. You could learn if you could integrate Innocence in your system, though those people are called Accomodators and are recruited by the Black Order, which I belong to, in order to fight those creatures and akumas, since only us exorcists can do it. By the way, I can't believe I haven't introduced myself yet! My name is Allen Walker, it's nice to meet you", he finished, always with a smile, but it was a nice smile, with a softness Harry wasn't used to see directed at him.

"Nice to meet you too, the name's Harry Potter". Maybe, the dark-haired teen was expecting a change in the other's attitude, so when Allen didn't react to his name nor appeared to recognise it Harry felt that much freer and sent him a little smile on his own. "You can call me Harry".

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