The Magical Pen

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One cold evening and only the dim light of the moon lights the whole place, a boy named Arthur who was alone on his life since the time he was born was on his small self-built home playing his old guitar. He’s the one supporting his needs by working on a ship port as a baggage carrier. He had worked all day for a small amount of money so he was definitely tired not only that day but on his daily life.

            That night, when the place was completely covered with silence, Arthur decided to eat his meal for that evening, a one piece of bread and a cup of water laced on a small wooden table. Arthur was on his move to took a bite on the bread when suddenly, sombedy knocked on the window of his house. He stopped for a while and open the window. Then he saw a very old tired ditty old man asking for some food to eat. Arthur immediately gave his brad without regret to help the old man. The old man was very thankful and impressed on Arthur’s attitude and for that, the old man gave Arthur a magical pen. At first, Arthur didn’t believed what the old man had said but on a blink of his eyes, the old man disappeared living the pen on Arthur’s hand.

            The next day, Arthur told his girl bestfriend, Sai, the happenings last night. Sai listened to him but she does not believed on what he was saying. But still, Sai truly loves Arthur secretly. Arthur understood that it is hard to believe if you didn’t see it in your own eyes so he just went to the port to earn money for his needs.

            The sun was completely covered by darkness when Arthur arrived to his home from the port. It is a tiring day for him. Then suddenly, he remembered that he forgotten to buy food for his dinner. he again went out to find stores or bakeries where he can buy food but unfortunately, every store and bakeries were already closed because it is now late in the evening. He just went home and sit on the corner.  Then he remembered the pen. Because of extreme hunger, Arthur drew a food on his palm, then after a while, the drawing came to real. Arthur was so amazed that he could kiss the pen. Then, Arthur drew more foods to the table and it all became real. Arthur was very happy that night. After he drew lot of foods, he then drew a lot and lot of gold bars. The morning and finally Sai believed him.

            Time passed and Arthur was now very rich. Sai, as his bestfriend, was took by him on experiencing a better life. But as time goes by, Arthur’s attitude becoming different. He is becoming greedy and materialistic. Sai observed it. Time had passed and Arthur had his girlfriend Sai was very sad because of her hidden feelings for Arthur but she just understand him because there, Arthur will became happier.

            One cold and silent night, when everybody was on there deepest sleep, Arthur had waken up by screams. He saw her girlfriend lying on the floor, dead with much blood and Sai holding a knife and completely stained with blood and completely stained with blood. Because of his great anger on what he saw, Arthur reported Sai on the police and was decided to suffer on a death penalty.

            After the death of his bestfriend Sai, Arthur found a piece of paper beside his gold bar closet. A letter from Sai was written on it saying; “Your girlfriend tried to kill you and get the pen from you. I tried to stop her by seizing the knife from her. I do love you Arthur since the time I met you. I accidentally killed her because I don’t want you to suffer again. Your magical pen is the key for your happiness. I love you Arthur.”

            After reading the letter, a tear suddenly fell from his eyes. Arthur realize how Sai truly loves him. Arthur immediately get the pen and tried to draw Sai on the wall but nothing happened. Knowingly, that only material things can be drawn. Arthur was very mad on his self because of his greediness, he lost the most important part of him, Sai!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2012 ⏰

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